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发表于 2003-4-3 01:57:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The war broke out between America and Iraq.  There are 300 thousand soldiers from America, 50 thousand and 5 thousand soldiers from its so-called friends Britain and Australia respectively taking part in this war.
  Below we will discuss situations about the war, politics and economics  The course, I think it is not our business, also I am not going to deliver my lecture. I will focus on discuss rebuiding after the war.
  The opinion is about rebuilding after the war, Britain has very different protest from American. It is truth that all wars fight for economics.
  America claims that he hopes to help Iraq, as a leader, rebuild their government and economic systerm after the war. But Britain ,French, German and  other Europe members disagree this decision  . They hope that U.N should, as a leader, rebuild Iraq. It must have some different affirmation about benefit between Brain and America.   
   Below are my personal opinions.
   International affairs, especial profit among all kinds of countries, Economics are always  original power and drive. So it is easy to draw a conclusion that there is not any real friendship or real justice among conutries.
   Below I will talk about several phenomena.
   I belive that only America except itself, none will agree with this protest.   According to the cost during the war,  I deduce that no matter what will happen ,America will insists on being in charge of rebuilding Iraq.    For their own profit, European members will try their best to prevent America from carrying out his plan. With the development of American Economics, it will threaten Europe's own economics. How to solve these questions? America:  It will do its best to control Iraq.The best way is to rebuild new dummy Government . Europe: Their tasks are to stop American furture plan. They will claim that  rebuilding Iraq is a very important responsibility to U.N.  If they can not prevent America from controling Iraq, they will  associate with more other European countries to protest themselves.
发表于 2007-10-31 16:49:00 | 只看该作者

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