
[谈天说地] Fifty Ways to love Your partner

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发表于 2003-3-27 15:58:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1.Love yourself first. 2.Start each day with a hug. 3.Serve breakfast in bed. 4.Say“I love you”every time your start ways. 5.Compliment freely and often. 6.Appreciate-and celeberate-your differences. 7.Live each day as if it's your last. 8.Write unexpected love letters. 9.Plant a seed together and and nurture it to maturity. 10.Go on a date once every week. 11.Send flowers for no reason. 12.Accept and love each others' family and friends. 13.Make little signs that say“I love you”and post them all over the house. 14.Stop and smell the roses. 15.Kiss unexpectedly. 16.Seek out beautiful sunsets together. 17.Apologize sincerely. 18.Be forgiving. 19.Remember the day you fell in love-and recreate it. 20.Hold hands. 21.Say “I love you”with your eyes. 22.Let her cry in your arms. 23.Tell him you understand. 24.Drink toasts of love and commitment. 25.Do something arousing. 26.Let her give you directions when you'r lost. 27.Laugh at his jokes. 28.Appreciate her inner beauty. 29.Do the other person's chores for a day. 30.Encourage wonderful dreams. 31.Commit a public display of affection. 32.Give loving massages with no strings attached. 33.Start a love journal and record your special moments. 34.Calm each others' fears. 35.Walk barefoot on the beach together. 36.Ask her to marry you again. 37.Say yes. 38.Respect each other. 39.Be your partner 's biggest fan. 40.Give the love your partner wants to receive. 41.Give the love you want to receive. 42.Show interest in the other's work. 43.Work on a project together. 44.Build a fort with blankets. 45.Swing as high as you can on a swingset by moonlight. 46.Have a picnic indoors on a rainy day. 47.Never go to bed mad. 48.Put your partner first in your prayers. 49.Kiss each other goodnight. 50.Sleep like spoons. [em04][em04][em04][em04][em04][em04][em04][em04][em04][em04][em04]


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