
[原创]IT Operation Manager

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发表于 2009-6-17 14:36:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Hi theres,

If you are intereted with this position, please contact me ASAP,please send your CV to lsun@goldentophr.com


and call me cell phone number: 13910203110


Please check the JD attached as bellow:


IT Operation Manager


 Requirements:   fficeffice" />


University degree: M.Sc. or B.Sc. in a suitable area.  Has at least 3+ years of working experience in Information Management with a minimum of 1 years at management level. 8years working experience.


Ø         Fluent English language skills.

Ø         We appreciate a good knowledge of IT service management processes (ITIL)

Ø         Experiences in operative IT Supplier management

Ø         Ability to head and facilitate operational activities in a challenging technical post merger environment

Ø         Excellent organizing skills

Ø         Basic understanding and knowledge of Business Warehouse and Business Intelligence technology (SAP BW)

Ø         Understanding of SOX and IT internal control activities

Ø         Understanding on IT Cost Management 


Personal Attributes:   


You are service minded and anxious to seek new alternatives how to provide better value for your customers. You are prepared to work in a multicultural working environment. Furthermore

Ø         Customer focused in delivery quality and results

Ø         Ability to react with agility to business needs

Ø         Good negotiation and discussion skills

Ø         Openness and communication

Ø         Strong cooperation skills, teamwork

Ø         Tolerant of ambiguous situations

Ø         Integration competencies    


Location: Beijing



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