1. 在中世纪有大量的丝绸从中国运到中东和欧洲,走的是古代的丝绸之路,到今天这条路还有痕迹可寻。 During the Middle Ages ,there were large amounts of silk transported to the Middle East and Europe frome China ;the road they took was the ancient Silk Road, the traces of which can still be found today. 2.中国的万里长城是在两千多年前建成的,是在把封建王公们为了防御野蛮民族入侵而建筑的城堡连接起来的基础上建成的。 The Great Wall of China had been built more than two thounsand years ago,.Its base was the forts which feudal lords built to protect themselves against invasions by barbarians. 3.感情上的裂痕是不容易弥合的。
It's hard to patch up emotional wounds. 4.我们生产的所有食品保证不含人造防腐剂。 All of our food is guaranteed free of
artificial preservatives. 5.如果她撞见你正在偷看她的日记,她一定会发火的。 If she catches you reading her diary, she’ll be furious.
6.这家公司的总部设在美国,但在世界各地都设有办事处。 The company is based in America, but has offices all around the world.
7.职业病危害,是指对从事职业活动的劳动者可能导致职业病的各种危害。 Occupational-disease-inductive harm: the harms giving rise to occupational
diseases to the laborers engaged in occupational activities.
8. Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.(英译汉) 在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。
该贴来自群组:一起学会赢(英)语 |