
[原创]世界500集团强急招Senior service manager

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发表于 2008-5-6 14:45:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

本集团为大型跨国集团,总部在北京,急招Senior  service manager,有意向的可以跟我联系。



e-mail: tracy.huang@hodian-international.com

Senior  service manager
At least 3 years vendor management experiences
At least 5 years infrastructure IT working experiences
Manegement experiences preferrered
Oversea working experiences preferred
BA/BS or equivalent with MBA preferrered
Strong infrastructure IT knowledge and background
Strong influencing skills across all levels in the organization.
Strong leadership skills and ability to manage sensitive situations
Flexible and resilient.
Very calm under pressure.
Ability to work under high stress levels of stakeholders
Ability to gain consensus among others.
Works as part of a team to achieve desired results
Comfortable working automously and in a matrixed organization
Excellent verbal and written communication and interpersonal skills
Strong attention to detail
Sound problem solving skills
Good judgment and analytical skill
Strong follow up and organizational skills

Establish and manage longer term relationships with preferred partner/vendors, resulting in higher quality and more cost effective contribution.
• Increase communication between GIS and our vendors and manage relationships and flow of information effectively across a variety of stakeholders (e.g., vendors, operations managers, project managers).
• Work with vendors to ensure quality customer service delivery.
• Investigate problems identified and follow up until the issue is satisfactorily resolved.
• Anticipate potential support problems and develop viable vendor strategies.
• Resolve conflicts that may arise in operational relationship between vendor and business stakeholders.

• Partner with stakeholders to ensure process and expectation alignment and to address any issues as they arise.
• Assess vendor
(计算机销售商) management practices, anticipate future requirements and research and analyze emerging trends
• Keep own knowledge up to date on new initiatives, tools or policy changes.


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