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发表于 2008-4-4 08:53:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

    Free market planning and implementing charges after satisfaction


    Have a good stiuation and you want to establish business by yourself ; Have a good product and service and you wish to do better in brand promotion , product promotion , service population. Its success or failure lies on whether you have you own field; your aim customers; your competitor ’s good market scheme and means of implementing.


    Market planning is a system project . It achieves twice the result with half the effort unless professional guidance.


    There are kinds of plannning corporation . they will offer you a rage of plannings. What should you do?


    Market planning and implementing is a large expenditure. Do it well and achieve twice the result with half the effort; while achieve half the result with twice the effort. Some may even have a negative effect.


    Shanghai Zhao Yan Advertising Ltd mainly manages market planning. It has a strong and skilled team of professionals will offer customers high-quality service in all fields. We have a number of large and medium-sized enterprises to promote the success of the brand planning;product promotion planning, promotion planning services; website promotion planning, promotion planning training etc.


    At least you want to use the money get the best effect? Come to us , our talents and resources advantage from planning to implementing every detail can be provided the best service.


    To make customers believe our’ssincerity, our corporation is promoting free market planning and implementing efficiency of the service charges after satisfaction. Those who need it should send the request to xx@swss.cn or call 02163071691 Zhao Yan Shanghai Advertising Ltd Planning Department.


    If you have a good product. The first thing to do is to let more people know about your products. Allow the market to accept your product. The product needs to be done to promote the plan.


    At that time, some people would recommend to you to do all kinds of media advertising. It was also recommended that you use as a live demonstration; crossword sales; gift samples contest; issuing gift; vouchers; additional transactions; buying sent several; discount rebate promotions, etc., as well as means of telephone, fax; SMS electronic e-mail advertising flyers; publicity, and so on-site promotional activities


    Advertising input in the end what you can achieve the desired effect?

    如何让更多的人了解您的企业、产品和服务?如何开拓更广阔的市场?推广策划就显得愈加重要 . 您想要用最少的钱得到最佳的效果吗?那么就来找我们,我们凭着人才和资源上的优势,从企划到实施的每一个细节都能给您提供顶级的全方位的最佳服务。

    How to let more people understand your business, products and services? How to develop a broader market? Planning to promote it is increasingly important. At least you want to use the money get the best effect? Then they came to us with our talent and resources advantages, from planning to implementation to every detail you can provide top-notch service all the best.

    咨询热线: 021-63071691

   Consulting telephone:021-63071691


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