关于《要事第一 First Things First》 ![](http://www.douban.com/mpic/s2168559.jpg)
简介 ······ 本书中提出了一个截然不同的时间管理方法,那就是以原则为中心的方法,它超越了推崇更快捷、更努力、更机灵的传统方法,不是给你提供另外一个时钟,而是给你一个罗盘——因为比速度更重要的是前进方向。全书分为四个部分:时钟和罗盘、主要的问题是将主要事情放在主要位置、相互依赖关系的协作增效和以原则为中心的生活的力量和平静。从一种意义上说,这种方法是全新的;从另一种意义上说,它古老悠久,深深植根于永恒的经典原则,跟当前时间管理理念和“成功”论著所宣扬的权宜之计和不劳而获的方法截然不同。我们生活在一个喜欢走捷径的现代社会,然而,靠走捷径无法创造生活质量。
作者简介 ······ 史蒂芬·柯维,身为丈夫、父亲和祖父,是一位赢得国际声望的领导才能权威和导师,也是柯维领导才能中心的创办人。他是哈佛毕业的工商管理硕士(MBA),在杨百翰大学获得博士学位,并在杨百翰大学任商业管理和组织行为学教授长达20年。他的《高效能人士的7个习惯》一书售出了超亿册册,并被翻译成了28种语言出版。他的上一本书《领导者准则》也是商业畅销书。 A·罗杰·梅里尔是时间管理和领导才能开发方面的知名带头人。它是柯维领导才能开发中心的副经理和创办人员。他拥有商业管理的学位,学习过组织行为方面的研究生课程,成人学习课程。他与妻子丽贝卡是父母,祖父母,曾共同撰写过《关联——第二象限时间管理》。罗杰也是《领导者准则》的作者之一。 丽贝卡·R·梅里尔,身为母亲和祖父母,家庭主妇和多才多艺的作家。他曾在多个社团、教育部门和妇女机构担任领导工作。她是《关联——第二象限时间管理》一书的作者之一。她为史蒂芬·柯维撰写《高效能人士的7个习惯》提供过帮助。
关于这本手册: Priority setting is a process we Extension professionals must continually use to set and reset our day-to-day and program priorities. Yet, many times we find ourselves working on low-priority goals or on activities unrelated to high-priority concerns. Sometimes we're aware of our busyness with nonpriority items; but often we're pressured by others to "set our priorities." At this point, we exclaim, "I know ... but how can I set my priorities when everyone says everything is high priority!" These moments of frustration seem to be occurring more often. Increasing pressures by many people, and the growing complexity of problems and society make the Extension professional's priority setting more difficult. This booklet is intended for Extension people who wish to deal with these problems and who wish to independently study and think about how a systematic process of setting priorities relates to their Extension jobs. The booklet has three sections that provide answers to these questions: I. What is priority setting? II. Why must we set priorities? III. How do we set priorities? This booklet stresses priority setting as a personal commitment made by professional Extension workers. Though Extension workers cooperate with clientele in developing programs and related activities, many Extension people don't implement programs unless they see them as their own personal priorities. Though many things influence and pressure Extension people, only an individual can decide whether a goal or activity is high priority and do something about it. This booklet discusses priority setting in the context of program development. This doesn't mean priority setting and program development are synonymous. They aren't. But the priority-setting process may register the most impact in a program development situation and the ideas are transferable to many short-range situations, such as "what do I do this week?" Furthermore, once a person has set program priorities, those priorities, plus the process s/he has mastered, influence the more immediate and day-to-day priorities. In Section 3, "How Do We Set Priorities?" a case example (a county home economist) is presented with each step in the 6-step process. Further case examples are outlined step by step following Section 3. If it will help you understand the steps, turn to the case study most like your own situation as you read. You may wish to review some sections lightly, others in more depth. Regardless of how much time you spend thinking about the ideas, you'll get the most from these pages by discussing them with others in similar positions, and most importantly by applying them to your specific Extension job situation. 下载: [upload=rar]down758.asp?ID=89533[/upload]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-30 11:24:28编辑过] |