
[原创]"一个商科学生de"对marketing communication的理解(英)

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发表于 2007-9-11 07:44:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

转自 "一个商科学生de" 系列: http://ambathought.blog.163.com/

People frequently are confused about the term of marketing communication and its functionality. For people who have been involved in marketing or business, they consider marketing communication would be a public relation instrument helping to spread messages to publics. For people who have only been involved in communication, they consider that marketing communication would be a sort of marketing tools helping to target consumers. However, it is still the difficult tasks to explain what marketing communication is and how it can be applied into companies.

It is also interesting to know how managers to consider the functionality of marketing communication department. Some people consider that it mainly has a logistic function, since people who work in marketing communication department spend lot of time on dealing with organizing events, deliver materials to people and help people to schedule hotel or airplane. On the other hand, some of senior managers considered that marketing communication department will mainly work on external public affairs, for example, sending press release, organizing a press conference, etc. All of these opinions result in some confusion of the functionality of marketing communication. And finally, people will only apply the functionality of marketing communication according to their own biased images and personal experiences.

According to my personal opinions, I always consider marketing communication for
two levels. One level is the strategic level of marketing communication, which may influence or direct the whole company’s police. These marketing communication activities would mainly based on researching, analyzing, brainstorming, consulting, etc. Therefore, it is necessary for people who work on strategic level to have full knowledge in the fields of marketing, communication, and the discipline of marketing & communication. On the other hands, the second level is the operational level of marketing communication, for example organizing event, conference, and seminar. Writing press release to public and designing an advertising flyer. These sorts of operational level tasks can be done without a strategic consideration of marketing communication, since it is only a sort of work but rather then a sort of strategic planning. Therefore, most of people can work on this operational level, because the operational tasks do not require employees to have deeper understandings in the field of marketing, communication or marketing communication.

I have heard from a girl, who has been working on membership administration for years, she told me she would be able to work on communication tasks independently if she applies another job. I assume this could be one example of the confusion on the understanding of marketing & communication. I guess she would be able to work on the operational marketing communication tasks if she was lucky.

However, it would be interesting to discover what marketing communication exactly means and what marketing communication has been appiled in the reality. It is also a sort of branding, but it is a branding for the discipline of marketing communication itself. While marketing & communication helps to create an excellent brand for a company, how and who will be able to create a clear brand for marketing & communication itself? And who and how people will be able to understand the concepts of marketing & communication?

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-24 1:15:09编辑过]
发表于 2007-9-11 10:33:28 | 只看该作者

Well, you are a kiddy and honest boy.Maybe I should be responsed by you instinctively. whether a lengthy speech or deal with it smile, i am sure time will prove it all.

Nevertheless,this artical be written straightarrowly, but it would be a interesting thinking procedure that how to write  the forewords possessed more attractive power so that guide all readers' thought.  

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-11 10:49:32编辑过]

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