
实力可(Silliker China)招聘食品安全咨询师,审核员-上海!

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发表于 2007-6-13 14:25:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Job Title:

Purpose of Job:
The primary responsibilities of this position is to conduct supplier evaluations at the points of
manufacture, distribution, or delivery.

Job Duties
1. Conduct evaluations, included but not limited to GMP, sanitation, quality systems, distribution
center, transport, and HACCP verification audits.
2. Maintain confidentiality about all aspects of work. and adhere to all procedures established by
Silliker Laboratories and/or its auditing clients.
3. Assure consistency and accuracy in all audits and reports.
4. Maintain cost effectiveness in all expenses.
5. Schedule all work per agreed upon criteria.
6. Communicate all reports and other related information per procedure.
7. Maintain all of Silliker’s auditing equipment in working order.
8. Maintain all documents and standards received from Silliker or Silliker’s clients in an organized
manner and separate from the subcontractor’s other business documents.
9. Support corporate quality and continuous improvement process.
10. Perform other related duties as needed.

Knowledge & Skill
The incumbent must have a general knowledge of food science and quality assurance to accurately
perform auditing procedures. Individual must have extensive experience with multiple types of food
processing operations to satisfy client requirements of audits. This position requires a broad
knowledge of GMP’s, food safety principles, HACCP and other relevant government regulations.
Auditing experience in food plant(s) setting is necessary to fulfill auditing business. Knowledge of
food laboratory quality assurance procedures and policies is necessary to ensure an accurate analysis.
This position requires self-discipline and organizational skills to ensure that schedule is maintained and
audits are performed correctly. Strong interpersonal skills are necessary to tactfully and objectively
discuss audit findings with plant personnel. Strong computer skills are needed to produce analysis of
client data.

Job Complexity
The incumbent ensures that the audit is performed within the specified time frame and according to
predetermined formats. This position works autonomously and must deal with situations in a
diplomatic and professional manner. Each audit offers its own set of unique circumstances where a
problem could result depending on the type of facility visited. Difficulties include unfamiliar
processing problems, severe violations of guidelines, last minute changes, uncooperative clients and
others. The incumbent must interpret the criteria of the audit and apply it to the specific client’s
situation. Information is available from other auditing personnel or supervisor for unusual problems.

Decision Making or Recommendations
This individual determines what violations should be documented and which ones are minor for the audit report.
The incumbent determines his/her own schedule with the client needs and other priorities
in mind. Once the audit is completed, the auditor determines if there are any issues of quality that the
client should immediately address and confront the client on those issues. Audit format is based on
predetermined guidelines, client specifications and state and federal regulations. The individual must
use previous experience to effectively complete the audit and provide useful information to the client.
The supervisor prior to turning it into the client reviews written audit reports. Decisions of the
incumbent can impact auditing and routine testing clients.

This position receives general direction from the Manager of Technical Services. Schedules and status
of audits are discussed monthly with supervisor over the phone. The supervisor reviews the final
written audit report prior to submitting it to the client. This individual is responsible for maintaining
his/her schedule for all the audits for his/her specified region. This position is held accountable for
maintaining efficient completion of the audits within specified format.

If interested, please submit resume to:   jackie.yuan@silliker-ap.com









[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-13 14:27:37编辑过]


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