
工作机会:SQE Supervisor-供应商质量评审主管

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发表于 2006-1-18 15:12:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

SQE Supervisor-供应商质量评审主管(北京郊区一家美资制造业),mail tccffaa0113@sina.com

I. Purpose of Position

Lead and manage supplier management function to ensure out-sourced products are in high quality.

II. Key Responsibilities

Main responsibilities include:

1. Manage SQE function.

2. Plan and conduct supplier surveys/evaluations to qualify new supplier

3. lead PPAP and sample qualification activity to qualify new parts

4. Track supplier performance to rank and manager supplier.

5. Instruct and assist supplier improvement and development

6. Conduct MRB of receiving inspection and floor rejections.

7. Lead analysis to field claims on purchased parts and provide solution and improvement activity.

8. Initiate design changes to correct errors, improve manufacturability and reduce cost.

III. Relationships

This position reports directly to quality Manager as supplier management resource.


IV. Measures of Performance

The job performance is measured in terms of out-sourced product quality.

V. Background and Skill

This position requires a B.S degree (engineering desirable), and industrial experiences in managing supplier and out-sourced product quality. Having good communication and coordination ability. Being Familiar with Quality tools such as SPC, GR&R and FMEA etc. Being good at internal and external auditing. Oral and written communication skills in English and presentation skills are appreciated.

VI. Personal Trait Profile

Honesty, Analytical. Consistent. Persistent. Insistent. Hardworking. Willing to travel.

VII. Scope and Impact of Position Responsibilities

Locally support to production, sourcing and purchasing departments to ensure out-sourced product quality.

发表于 2006-3-29 19:24:24 | 只看该作者

If in ShenZhen , I want to try.

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