我所读的人力资源硕士学位是一个职业教育学位,学校方面很注重学生的就业情况。从入学伊始系里就开始给大家讲找工作的重要性,并且请上届学生谈找工作的经验。教大家如何写简历,如何做面试。一般来讲人力资源硕士的学制大部分为两年,在第一年的暑假大家会选择找一家公司做实习生(intern),由于许多公司只在其实习生中招聘全职(full time)的职员,所以许多学生在二年级刚刚开学的时候就已经拿到offer了。
由于实习生的重要性,所以刚开学的新生们就开始匆匆开始他们的找工作生涯。美国大学生找工作大部分是通过一个叫Monstertrak的网站,招聘的公司把招聘的信息发布到网上,而他们就通过网上投简历的方式来寻找自己的实习生。大公司的校园(on campus)招聘也都是通过monstertrak来进行,一般招聘HR 实习生的大公司会挑选3到4所大学作为自己的目标学校,然后在可以投简历的人当中限定好条件,如专业,毕业时间,工作许可等等,然后学生们在搜索的时候只搜索自己符合条件的公司来投简历。如果符合条件的话,网页上会有递交简历的按钮,如果不符合条件,即使你打开这个网页它也会提示你不符合条件,不能够投递简历。基本上美国公司在招聘HR职员的时候都会有一个工作许可的要求,就是说必须是在美国国内有工作许可的人才可以投递简历(有工作许可的人一般是永久居民或者公民,持F1签证的学生不在内)。今年来我们系招聘的公司里面除了微软不要求这一条之外,其他所有公司都有要求。那些声称支持多元化(diversity)的全球化(global)公司在人力资源经理的人选上还是倾向于保守,所以将来大家如果来美国读HR program的话要做好准备,所谓的top3 program实际上是老美的top3,跟我们这些国际学生没什么关系。就像来我们系招聘的那些公司,看着可以让人流口水,有花旗,IBM,微软,艾克森美孚,雪佛莱,卡夫食品,General Mills,默克,杜邦,Dow chemical,Anheuser-busch等等,每家公司都是常常在财富杂志亮相的顶尖公司,可是这些公司一律对国际学生说No。基本上疯狂的投过一番简历之后,就要开始参加各家公司的information session(有点类似国内的招聘会,不过国内外企的招聘会大多会面向全校所有学生开放,而这里一般只面向所要招聘的专业开放,所以参加这种招聘会的人都比较少,沟通交流也都比较方便)了。
刚开学系里的秘书就给大家发邮件,把9月份到10月份的所有各大公司招聘HR学生的information session的时间表排好,好让大家安排时间去参加。Info session上面主要是公司的HR人员讲他们公司的情况,主要产品,以及HR intern的项目介绍。Information Session分两种,一种是大家都可以参加的,一种是预先选择好参加人员的。面向所有人开放的那种information session一般我们系准备找HR 暑期intern和full time工作的人都会参加,这样的话可能会有四五十人,一般这里面会提供饮食,和一些公司的纪念品。预先选定的那种是确定要面试的人才有资格参加的,基本上只有十多个人或者五六个人参加,人很少,可以和HR人员聊一些自己感兴趣的问题,而且这时候礼品一般会比较丰盛。我前面说过大家都是通过monstertrak投递简历,公司的网页上同时会公布被选中面试的人登记的时间以及正式面试的时间。一般到了登记的时间,被选中的人登录网页时会看到一个登记的按钮,通过登记选择面试的具体时间,他们提供了一天中的不同时间段,先登记的人可以选择相对比较好的时间,后登记的人只能选择别人选剩的时间。而没有被选中的人登录网页时会提示你没有被选中,也没有可以登记的按钮。
一般被选中面试的人都要在面试的前一天参加公司专门针对面试人员的info session,第二天就要参加面试了。HR人员的面试一般都是结构化面试,主要衡量面试者在各个方面的才能,主要是leadership,communication,interpersonal,initiative,innovation等等。由于美国严厉的EEO法规,美国公司在招聘的时候都声称自己是符合EEO标准的雇主,并且在选择和招聘的时候从不涉及种族、性别、年龄、是否残疾等信息。而且面试的问题也尽量与工作相关,以免被人抓住把柄。通常面试官都会很友善,一个一个问题问下来,他们会显得很专注的听你讲话,细心记录。不要误会你讲的多么好,实际上他们被培训得如此,哪怕你讲的是一堆废话,他们照样一丝不苟,把你的话当作真理一样记录下来。面试结束之后他们会对你表示感谢,然后友好地再见。
由于面试时间和上课时间常常有冲突,所有当有公司面试的时候,课堂上常常只有少数几个人,课程的中间不停地有西装革履地同学从外面进来,教授们这时也都很宽容,不会计较他们的迟到甚至缺席。通常面试后一个星期会有结果出来,被选中的幸运儿可能需要进行on site面试,就是到将来的工作场所去,由可能的将来的上司轮流面试,这需要一整天的时间,包括前一天晚上的晚餐以及第二天中午的午餐。On site面试会简单的多,大多类似于聊天,有时也会有一些案例分析之类的来考验一下面试者的解决问题的能力。这之后的当天晚上如果他们与面试者讨论工资的话这就说明他被挑中了,这时面试者就可以施展自己的如簧之舌,来为自己多获得一些收益。
1. Tell me about yourself
2. Direct questions from resume, i.e. regarding major, work experience, leadership experience, volunteer experience, study abroad, etc. Think about why you have made certain decisions and your role in each of your experiences and important things you have learned from them.
3. How did you get to be at this program?
4. How did you choose your undergraduate institution? Interviewers are interested in your decision-making process.
5. Why are you interested in this field?
6. Why do you want to work for this company? Why do you want to work in this industry?
7. What are you looking for in an internship/What do you hope to get out of the experience?
8. What is one of your main weaknesses?
9. How would you friends describe you?
10. What is a recent challenge you have faced? How did you overcome this?
11. Describe a difficult decision you have had to deal with?
12. What is recent change you have had to deal with?
13. Describe an ethical dilemma you have recently encountered?
14. What is your greatest accomplishment/What are you most proud of?
15. What has been your biggest disappointment?
16. What was your favorite class in undergraduate?
17. What is your favorite class in this program thus far?
18. What was your least favorite/most difficult class?
19. What is the main thing you have learned so far from this program that will enable you to success in this field?
20. What is the best compliment you have received?
21. What is the worst criticism that you have had to deliver?
22. What has been your most important leadership position to date? Were you an effective leader? Why?
23. What are your three most significant leadership experiences?
24. Describe a time you influenced an unpopular decision?
25. Discuss a situation where you persuade the rest of a group?
26. Who is the most difficult person you have had to work with (in a group)?
27. What types of people don’t you like to work with? Describe a time you had to work with someone like this?
28. Describe a time when there was resistance to your proposal/idea and how you handed it?
29. Describe a time when you encountered conflict with a manager?
30. When did you manage diversity/work in a diverse group?
31. When did you work with someone who took a different approach to things that made it difficult to work with them?
32. Describe a time when you built upon someone else’s idea?
33. When you had “down time” at work, what did you do during this time?
34. When was an instance where you forgot to do something for a customer?
35. Describe a time where you were assigned to do something that did not interest you. What did you learn from this experience?
36. When was a time you took initiative?
37. Describe a time that demonstrates your flexibility/When was a time you had to be flexible?
38. Discuss a time where you had to communicate with someone in another organization in order to complete a project?
39. When were you in a group where the distribution of work was unequal/where you did more work than others?
40. Discuss an instance where a wrench was thrown into your plan that made it difficult to complete a project?
41. Describe a time you were disappointed with a project/should have done more but did not?
42. When was a time you missed a deadline? What steps did you take to fix things/resolve this?
43. Discuss a time where you worked on a project where the main tasks were not your strengths? What role did you take in this group?
44. When was a time you had to analyze a complex data set?
45. Outline the steps you used to accomplish a goal/complete a project?
46. When did you have to share information with others to get a job done?
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