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发表于 2012-3-23 23:02:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Recently, media reports said Ho Gui and Wang Jing has been married for many years, adding that was the Wang Jing, chief of operations of the entertainment industry than the 3-year-old Ho Kyung, to the living and working in Ho Gui a lot of support to help him take care ofa lot of trivia, almost equivalent to Ho Kyung broker. In this regard, Ho Kyung 22 hair microblogging said: "I heard I got married? How did notice I participated in ah?" Denied the marriage rumors.

Recently, some media reported that 38-year-old Ho Gui and Wang Jing a decade ago acquaintance, they are very affectionate, Wang Jing is a competent wife: "She can help Ho Kyung open column, publicity to help him, a book, and so on, which a Wang Jing a lot of force in the life and work, Wang Jing to Ho Kyung lot of support and help, to help him take care of a lot of trivia. "he Gui a "just right", "happiness" books, there is Wang Jing assistance. The article not only points to the message He Jiong and Wang Jing (another four years of marriage) married 10 years, even drying out of the couple's "marriage room".

Media reports, the parties Ho Kyung at 18:47 on the 22nd through the microblogging denied, he asked, as wedding parties, why not attend the wedding: I heard that I married? How did not notice I participate. ? "However, many fans have a message, I hope the 38-year-old Ho Kyung early completion of the marriage, so always often" married ".
发表于 2012-3-24 09:23:29 | 只看该作者

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