作者: liyouli 时间: 2011-6-13 23:03
感谢分享。谢谢作者: mqh 时间: 2011-6-13 23:34
不错,很适用啊。作者: 西刀 时间: 2011-6-14 14:37
比以前学的《领导科学》更有实践意义!作者: 书虫劳谦 时间: 2011-6-14 23:06
As for the best leader the people do not notice their existence. The next best, the people honour and praise. The next, the people fear, and the next, the people hate.
A leader is a coach, not a judge.作者: windschen 时间: 2011-6-15 16:42