Of course, the power of reciprocity can be found in the merchandising field as well. Although the number of possible examples is large, let’s examine a pair of familiar ones deriving from the “free sample.”
Well, if it is your feeling that a fine set of encyclopedias is not right for you at this time, perhaps you could help me by giving me the names of some others who might wish to take advantage of our company’s great offer. What would be the names of some of these people you know?
Although lost in the welter of commentary following the tragedy, Dr. West’s observation, together with what we know about the principle of social proof, seems to me quite important to a satisfactory understanding of the compliant suicides.
虽然人大版比社科版少了一个逗号,将社科版的“这一场依从性自杀”改成 了“这一自杀事件”,但其与社科版的相似之处还是触目惊心的。很难想象另一 个译者也会使用“众说纷纭,莫衷一是”来翻译“lost in the welter of commentary”,也会使用“圆满地解释”来翻译“满意的理解”。此外,我的翻 译中有一个纰漏,将原文中泛指的“依从性自杀”翻译成了特指的“这一场依从 性自杀”;人大版也照抄不误,使用了特指。 作者: 绿野仙踪 时间: 2007-12-16 06:40
值得一提的是,台湾培生教育集团也将Influence: Science and Practice 译成了中文。由于他们的翻译工作是独立完成的,他们的译文与我的译文完全没 有这样的相似之处。比如说,刚才举的三个例子,台湾版就是这样翻译的:
There, the people’s Temple existed in relative obscurity until November 18, 1978, when four men of a fact-finding party led by Congressman Leo J. Ryan were murdered as they tried to leave Jonestown by plane.
There, the people’s Temple existed in relative obscurity until November 18, 1978, when Congressmen Leo R. Ryan of California (who had gone to Guyana to investigate the cult), three members of Ryan’s fact-finding party, and a cult defector were murdered as they tried to leave Jonestown by plane.
The teachings of the Guardians were loosely linked to traditional Christian thought. No wonder that one of the Guardians, Sananda, eventurally “revealed” himself as the current embodiment of Jesus.
The teachings of the Guardians were loosely linked to traditional Christian thought.
因为社科版原文中没有“No wonder that one of the Guardians, Sananda, eventurally “revealed” himself as the current embodiment of Jesus”, 人大版自己翻译了这句话,结果把意思完全搞错了(原文的意思是说萨南达认为 自己是耶稣的化身)。让人不禁要想,如果没有社科版的《影响力》作“参考” 的话,人大版的《影响力》不知道会翻译成什么样子。