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楼主:爱龙 - 


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-8 16:59:02 | 只看该作者


下面是职位的JD ,有意愿的朋友可以加我msn聊.

AM - Account Manager 

Key Responsibilities

l         Lead the account executive team to drive the growth of sell-in;

l         Map out KR/KW and be accountable for KR/KW relationship;

l         Set the target for KR/KW in the specific areas and manage performance against target;

l         Manage sell-in price, retail price, inventory and real phone coverage in KR/KW;

l         Lead the team to cut deals with KR/KW in specific areas

Key Competency

l         Problem solving/Analytical

l         Performance/results orientation

l         Customer orientation

l         Decision making

l         Achiever with energy/Motivated

l         Selling and Negotiation

l         Responsibility/Accountable

l         Lead and develop team


l         at least 5 years retails sales experience, esp in account management

l         bachelor degree and above

l         at least 3 years people management experience

l         Good communication skills


 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-8 17:04:19 | 只看该作者

RM - Retail Store Manager 

Key Responsibilities

l         Conduct retail survey in the specific area;

l         Set the sell-out sales target for shops in the specific areas;

l         Plan resources at shop level and conduct performance review at retail store level;

l         Develop the retail sales team with training, coaching and selecting the right talent;

l         Manage the poor performers out of the organization

Key Competency

l         Problem solving/Analytical

l         Performance/results orientation

l         Customer orientation

l         Decision making

l         Achiever with energy/Motivated

l         Selling and Negotiation

l         Responsibility/Accountable

l         Lead and develop team


l         at least 5 years retails sales experience

l         bachelor degree and above

l         at least 3 years people management experience

l         Good communication skills

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