去BT上找种子下,不过好像只有前3季的,除了S1,其他的画质不是很好。 1-4季中,Trump都是根据George和Carolyn的建议来做出最后判断。Season5开始新花样了,将在最后两人对决的决赛上开通美国民众通过手机、网络投票的一个环节,这个大众呼声将直接影响角逐的结果。商业化痕迹越来越重了……让我想起了超级女声……尽管如此,我还是很热衷观看The Apprentice。相比之下,我对央视的绝对挑战几乎没有了兴趣,太单线条划了,缺乏刺激感和冲动力。 "I'm very anxious to see who the fans choose for their favorite finalist -- their decision could have a big effect on my ultimate decision," said Trump. This year we thought it would be interesting to discover what America has to say about the candidates, incorporating our fans and viewers as virtual judges. While Trump will still be the final arbiter of who he hires, America's feedback is certain to have an impact on his decision." said Mark Burnett, Creator and Executive Producer. |