
looking for Engineering Manager & Purchasing Manager

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发表于 2005-5-20 00:19:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The company is a leading provider of global, end-to-end AC and DC-based back-up power products and services and provides protection against many of the primary causes of data loss, hardware damage and downtime. Location:厦门 Position:Engineering Manager Functions: 1.Lead the component qualification activities 2.Take care of work instructions creation for the products o 3.Coordinate the new products introduced to factory 4.Manage the ECO Process 5.Coordinate process improvement through platform support delivery. Qualifications 1.BE with background of Engineer either electronic and mechanical, and management in Engineering and MFG is preferred. 2.Ability to communicate effectively with headquarter and other Facility Positionurchasing Manager Functions: 1.Production Control & Planning ·Production planning supervise. ·MPS analysis ·MPS & Actual build schedule comparison 2.Material planning and procurement ·MRP analysis. ·Material internal transfer co-ordination. ·Material purchasing plan. ·Material purchasing supervise. 3.New project Feasibility study ·BOM analysis ·Material spec. analysis ·Material costs analysis ·Sample study ·MEI study ·Vendor explore on new parts ·Costs comparison 4.Sourcing ·New vendor explore ·New vendor development 5.Vendor evaluation ·Vendor qualification regarding to company standard ·Maintain & improve service from existing vendor & new vendor 6.Raw material costs control. Other Duties: Material international sourcing & supporting Corporation. Others as assigned by manager. Qualifications 1.Bachelor degree in engineering or equal is preferred. 2.Knowledge of material technology is preferred. 3.Ability to communicate with different products group for the production capacity analysis. 4.Ability to communicate with different products group on the material costs analysis for new project load in CHF. 5.Ability for the effectively communication within CHF different department for the production / Material planning and material supply. 6.Inventory control and material costs control.

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