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发表于 2015-5-5 13:56:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
317 The One Without The Ski Trip

[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler and Joey are sitting on the couchreading.]
Joey: Can I see the comics?
Chandler: This is the New York Times.
Joey: Okay, may I see the comics?
[Monica and Phoebe enter.]
Monica: Guys. I thought you were taking Ross to the game?
Chandler: We are. He's meeting us here.
Monica: No! Rachel is meeting us here.
Phoebe: Oh come on, they can be in the same room.
Joey: Yeah, you shoulda been there last night.
Phoebe: Why? What happened now?
Joey: Well Ross was hangin' out over at our place, Rachel comes over toborrow some moisturiser from Chandler....
Chandler: Yeah y-you, how hard is it to say something? Rachel came over to borrowsomething.
Joey: Anyway! Her and Ross just started yelling at each other.
Phoebe: Wait. Why was he yelling at her? He's the one who slept with someoneelse.
Joey: Well, I guess he says that because they were on a break when ithappened, that she should of forgiven him by now.
Phoebe: Whoa!! He is soo unreasonable! God, although I think I understand whathe means. Oh my God, this is like 60 Minutes, okay, when, when, at firstyou're really mad at that pharmaceutical company for making the drug and theny'know you just feel bad for the people because they needed to make their hairgrow.
Chandler: Y'know what this is like? This is like when my parents got divorced.Man, I hope Ross doesn't try to kidnap me after Cub Scouts.
Phoebe: Y'know I had a dream where Ross and Rachel were still together, theynever broke up. And we were all just like hanging out, and everyone washappy....
Joey: I had the same dream!
Phoebe: Yeah, and nobody slept with that Xerox girl.
Joey: Oh, I had the opposite dream.
Chandler: Y'know what maybe it's gonna be okay, I mean it's been a week.
Joey: Yeah, I mean it's never taken me a week to get over a relationship.
Monica: It's never taken you more than a shower to get over arelationship.
[Rachel enters.]
Monica: (seeing her) Okay, let's go!! Let's hit the road!!
Rachel: Hey!
Monica: Let's get the show on it!
Rachel: Okay, let me just get a cup of coffee.
Monica: Oh Rachel, I know the best coffee house and it's sooo close.
Rachel: Closer than here?
Phoebe: (turning around and picking a cup off of a table) Oh, hey, look, Ifound coffee! (handing her the cup) Okay, let's skedaddle.
Rachel: Wait, I'm not just gonna drink somebody's old coffee.
Phoebe: Okay, your highness.
[Ross enters behind Rachel, and look at each other for a moment.]
Phoebe: (in a deep voice, imitating Ross) Um, Rachel I'm really sorry.(imitating Rachel) That's okay, do you wanna get back together? (imitatingRoss) Yeah, okay. (in her normal voice) Did anyone else hear that?!
Opening Credits
[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, the whole gang is there, except for Rossand Rachel. Joey is trying to eat Chinese with chopsticks and fails miserably.There's a knock on the door, and Chandler answers it to reveal Rachel]
Rachel: (softly) Is he here?
Chandler: No.
Rachel: Oh. (smiles) Here's your moisturiser. Hi!
Monica and Phoebe: Hey!
Rachel: You guys are gonna love meee! Okay, check it out, Thursday night, fivetickets, Calvin Klein lingerie show, and you guys are coming with me.(they're all silent and look away) Okay, I said that out loud right?
Chandler: Yes, yes, it's just that we ah, we kinda all ready, made plans withRoss.
Rachel: Oh, well okay. Well, there you go.
Phoebe: No, it's just that he got this new like home theater dealie, and hewants y'know, us to check it out.
Rachel: Hm-mm.
Chandler: Yeah, he's really excited about it too, he even recorded show times onhis answering machine.
Rachel: Ohh!
Monica: We're sorry honey.
Rachel: Oh, it's okay. (starts to leave)
Joey: Rach, it's, it's ah, it's not that we don't want to, really. (quietly)Are we talking models in their underwear?
Rachel: And heels.
Joey: (He turns around to Chandler looking for approval to go with Rachel,Chandler mouths 'Come on!') (turning back to Rachel) Ross, did ask us first,and we set that night aside.
Rachel: No, hey, come on, if he asked you first, that's only fair. (leaves)
[Chandler makes a noise of absolute disgust and heads into the livingroom.]
Phoebe: Ohhh boy, do I feel bad.
Joey: Oh yeah.
Monica: Very bad.
[We see Chandler lighting up a cigarette.]
Phoebe: Chandler what are you doing?!
Monica: Chandler!!
Chandler: (jumps back and points at the cigarette) Oh my God!
Joey: You're smoking again?!
Chandler: Well, actually, yesterday I was smoking again. Today, I'm, I'm smokingstill.
Phoebe: Why would you start again after chewing all that quitting gum?
Chandler: Look, I'm telling you this is just like my parents divorce, which iswhen I started smoking in the first place.
Monica: Weren't you nine?!
Chandler: Yeahhh. I'm tellin' ya something, that ah, first smoke after naptime....
[There's a knock on the door.]
Chandler: Oh that's great, with my luck, that's gonna be him.
Phoebe: Him? Him, Ross?
Chandler: Nope, hymn 253, His Eyes Are On The Sparrow! When my parents gotdivorced is when I started using humour as a defence mechanism. (answers thedoor and it's Rachel again.)
Rachel: Hi! Uhh, do you guys have plans for the weekend? Because I have mysister on hold, and she said that we could use her cabin for the weekend and goskiing. Huh? I'm asking you first, right?!. I mean I'm playing by the rules.
All:Absolutely, yeah!
Rachel: Chandler! You're smoking? What are you doing?!
Chandler: Hey, shut up!! You're not my real Mom!!
[Scene: Ross's, the gang, minus Rachel of course, is there. Chandler isforced to smoke by an open window.]
Joey: (obviously cold) Hey, can you close that window Chandler? My nipplescan cut glass over here!
Phoebe: Wait. Really?! 'Cause mine get me out of tickets.
Ross: Look, you guys I just wanna say, I really, really appreciate youspending this time with me. It's been a pretty hard time right now, so I justwanna say thanks.
Chandler: Can somebody else hug him? I have to stay by the window.
Ross: Oh hey, hey, huh, how about this weekend we have a laser disc marathonokay, and maybe a tournament on my new dart board? Huh, huh, what do you think?(in an Irish accent) Two days of darts, it'll be great!
Joey: It'll be great for next weekend.
Ross: No, no, no, this weekend guys!
Joey: It'll be great for next weekend. I mean, (in an Irish accent) it'll begrrreat.
Ross: What's going on?
Phoebe: Well, we were um, sorta invited to go skiing, y'know Rachel's sister'scabin. (Chandler goes back to the window to smoke again.)
Ross: So, for the whole weekend?
Monica: We're really sorry, but um, she did ask us first.
Ross: Yeah, that's okay, I mean if you guys all have to go away forthe first weekend I'm alone by myself, y'know then I totally, totallyunderstand.
Phoebe: Y'know what, I can stay, I'm gonna stay. 'Cause the last time I wentskiing I was to afraid to jump off the chair lift, I just went around andaround.
Joey: Uh, Pheebs we kinda need you to drive us all up there in yourgrandmother's cab, but y'know what, I'll stay.
Monica: Noo! I'll stay. He's my brother.
Ross: What a pity stay?
Monica: No! We're gonna have fun. We can make fudge!
Ross: Pity food? Y'know what that's okay, all right, I don't need any of youto stay, okay nobody stays.
Chandler: Well, then, I might as well offer to stay.
[Scene: In Phoebe's Grandmother's cab, driving up to the cabin. Phoebe'sdriving, Rachel's sitting shotgun, Chandler, Monica, and Joey are in the backseat.]
Joey: (to Chandler and Monica) Hey, does anybody else feel bad about Ross?
Monica: Why? Do you think he's still mad at us?
Chandler: (to Joey) Well he's probably mad after you called him this morning toborrow his goggles.
Joey: What? Mine aren't tinted.
[Chandler starts to light a cigarette.]
Phoebe: Chandler!!
Chandler: What?
Phoebe: What does the sign say?
Chandler: Beam me up Jesus.
Phoebe: No, the 'No Smoking' sign. There's no smoking in my Grandmother's cab.
Chandler: Okay, well, then, I-I have to go to the bathroom.
Phoebe: Please!
Monica: No Chandler no! No unscheduled stops. You can go when we stop for gas.
Chandler: Oh, come on, there's a rest stop right up there! Come on, I really haveto goooooooooo.
Joey: Oh, now I have to go!!
[Scene: The rest stop, Phoebe's pulling in.]
Chandler: Here we go. Okay, brace yourselves.
Monica: What?
[Both Chandler and Joey put their feet up against the glass, Monicadoesn't and gets thrown up against the glass.]
Rachel: Okay.
Monica: Ow!
[Joey gets out and sprints to the bathroom and Chandler follows with acigarette in his hands.]
Phoebe: (to Rachel, who's staying in the cab.) Aren't you gonna go?
Rachel: No. Thank you.
Monica: (getting out) No, Rachel never pees in public restrooms.
Rachel: Well, they never have any paper in there y'know. So my rule is 'notissue, no tuschy.' (Phoebe laughs and gets out.) Well, if everybody's going.(She gets out and starts to close the door.)
Phoebe: No, y'know what don't close it (Rachel slams the door shut lockingthemselves out.) 'cause the... keys...are in there.
Chandler: Oh, no-no-no-no-no-no!!
Joey: What's going on?
Chandler: (to Joey) My lighter's in there! (points to the cab)
Commercial Break
[Scene: The rest stop, the gang is still stuck, Chandler is kneeling atthe rear bumper.]
Chandler: Damn! (stands up) The tailpipe's not hot enough to light this!
Joey: Relax okay, I-I-I can get this open. Anybody have a coat hanger?
Chandler: Oh I do! Op, no, wait a minute, I took it out of my shirt when I put iton this morning.
Monica: So, if you're parents hadn't got divorced, you'd be able to answer aquestion like a normal person?
Joey: Look, I just need a wire something to jimmy it. Oh hey, one of you guysgive me the underwire from your bra!
Monica: What?!
Rachel: What?!
Joey: Come on! Who has the biggest boobs?
Monica: Please!!
Joey: Whoever has the biggest boobs, has the biggest bra, therefore has thebiggest wire.
The Girls: No, not getting my bra!
Joey: If you wanna get back in the car, we need the wire, your call.
Phoebe: Okay, Monica's are the biggest.
Monica: These tiny, little non-breasts?! Please, it's gotta be Rachel.
Rachel: What, no, no, no, mine are deceptively small I mean, I-I-I actuallysometimes, st-stuff my bra.
Monica: All right then, your bra would still be big.
Rachel: No, I stuff outside the bra.
Chandler: Ladies, ladies, let's just compromise okay? Phoebe, Rachel take offMonica's bra.
Phoebe: All right, forget it, nevermind, you can have mine.
[Chandler crumples up his cigarette pack and throws it on the ground.]
Rachel: (seeing him) Chandler, what are you doing? There is a trash can rightthere.
Chandler: Well, I thought if I littered, that crying Indian might come by andsave us.
Phoebe: (finishing removing her bra) Okay, there.
Joey: Thank you Phoebe, that is very, very generous.
Chandler: Okay, now let's decide who has the nicest ass.
Joey: (opening the door) And there you go!
All:Oh, yeahhhhh!!!
[They all run to get in the cab, and Chandler pulls out a smoke.]
Monica: Chandler!!
Chandler: At least let me smoke it to the good part.
[Phoebe puts the car in gear and starts to back out.]
Phoebe: Okay. (The car moves a few feet and sputters to a stop.) Oh, no!
Rachel: What, what's it, what's going on?
Phoebe: Yeah, this has happened before.
Rachel: So you know how to fix it?
Phoebe: Yep. Put more gas in.
[Scene: Carol and Susan's, Carol is setting a romantic dinner for Susanas there is a knock on the door.]
Carol: (answering the door) Hi!
Ross: (entering) Hey.
Carol: Hey, what are you doing here?
Ross: Well, oh just ah, I was just wondering, when you and I split up, didyou get the tape that was half the last episode of M*A*S*H and half thehostages coming home?
Carol: Ah yeah, but now it's Susan and me in Mexico and the hostages cominghome.
Ross: Where's Ben?
Carol: He's sleeping.
Ross: Ahh. (notices the table) Ooh, is this a ah, is this a bad time?
Carol: Umm, yeah, actually, Susan's gonna be home any minute, it's kinda ananniversary.
Ross: Oh! I thought you guys got married in uh, January?
Carol: It's not that kind of anniversary.
Ross: Ah! (realises) Oh.
Carol: Sooo!! Anyway...
Ross: Umm, candles, champagne, yeah anniversaries are great. 'Cause you knowlove lasts forever, y'know. Nothing like it in this lifetime, money in thebank, so Rachel and I broke up.
Carol: Oh God, Ross I am so sorry.
Ross: Yeah, well.
Carol: Y'know what, I want to talk to you about this so much, but we shouldprobably do it when we could really get into it, are you free for dinnertomorrow night?
Ross: Oh yeah, I'd love that.
Carol: Oh, great! Me too.
Ross: I guess it all started when Rachel got this new job. (he sits down atthe table.)
[Scene: The rest stop, Phoebe is on the phone to the motor club.]
Phoebe: Okay, yeah. (to Monica and Rachel) Triple A can pick us up.
Rachel: Great!
Phoebe: Yeah, what town are we near?
Monica: Freemont. West-Westmont, ah Westburg?
Phoebe: (to Monica) Then why are you answering? Do you at least know what routewe're on?
Rachel: Yeah, we are definitely on Route 27.
Phoebe: Okay. (on phone) We are at a rest stop on Route 27. Okay. (to Rachel)There is no Route 27. (listens) (to Rachel) Okay, either 93 or 76?
Rachel: I don't know, I'm sorry, I always slept in the back when we drove uphere.
Phoebe: Okay. (on phone) Hey, can you send somebody up and down 76 and checkevery rest stop, and, and also 93? (listens) Okay! (hangs up) Yeah, no theydon't do that.
Rachel: Ugh, okay, well somebody will come and save us.
Monica: Who? I mean have you seen a car come by here in the last hour and ahalf? I think we should call Ross, maybe he can get a car and come pick us up.
Rachel: No! No, I am not getting in a car with Ross, we will just have to livehere!
Phoebe: But if...
Rachel: No you guys, I am not getting in a car with him, you'll have to thinkof something else.
Phoebe: Oh good, oh Joey and Chandler are back.
[Joey walks up helping Chandler.]
Monica: So the going for help went well?
Joey: Oh yeah, Smokey Joe here got half way to the highway and collapsed.
Chandler: I have the lung capacity of a two year old. (starts to light anothercigarette.)
Monica: Then why are you smoking?
Chandler: Well it's very unsettling.
[Scene: Carol and Susan's, Ross is eating the dinner Carol made forSusan.]
Ross: ....right? Right? I mean it's pretty unbelievable y'know, I mean theyjust took off, took off without even looking back. Y'know I don't, I don't needthem, huh, I've got you guys now as friends, you and Susan.
Carol: Ah, Susan will be so pleased.
[Ross's beeper goes off.]
Ross: (looking at the page) 717? (to Carol) Where's 717? (He gets up toreturn the page, Carol starts to take the last of the food into the kitchen,but Ross grabs the last piece.) Hey, you've have more of these for Susan right?
Carol: No. But it's okay, I'll just put out pickles or something.
[Cut to the rest stop, Monica and Phoebe are waiting anxiously by thephone as it rings.]
Phoebe: (answering the phone) (whispering) Ross, thank God.
Ross: Pheebs? What, why are you whispering?
Phoebe: I ate a bug.
[Rachel starts to walk up.]
Monica: (running over to stop Rachel) Hey Rach, the tampons here are only apenny. Let's stock up. (takes her into the bathroom)
Phoebe: Listen Ross, we ran out of gas, and we don't know where we are, so wecan't get a tow truck.
Ross: Oh, now you want a favour?
Phoebe: Yes, please.
Ross: Well, oh, I'm sorry your car broke down Pheebs, but I'm a little toobusy with some of my real friends right now, but please call to let me know yougot home safely okay?
Carol: (running over and grabbing the phone away from Ross) (on phone) Phoebe,hang on a second. (Hands Ross her keys) Here, take my car, go pick up yourfriends.
Ross: No, I'm not gonna pick them up.
Carol: Listen, we both know you're gonna do it 'cause you're not a jerk. Okay?So you can either sulk here for a half hour and then go pick them up, or saveus both time and sulk in the car.
Ross: No, Rachel doesn't want me to....
Carol: Look, I-I-I am sorry that Rachel dumped you 'cause she fell in lovewith that Mark guy, and you are the innocent victim in all of this, but don'tpunish your friends for what Rachel did to you.
Ross: Yeah, you're right.
Carol: (on phone) Phoebe hang on a second Ross wants to say something.(listens) What? (listens) (to Ross) You slept with someone else?!
Ross: We were on a break!!! Okay!! (grabs the phone) We were, we were...,(calms down) yeah. Where are you? I'll find you. (hangs up)
Carol: You slept with another woman?
Ross: Oh, you-you're-you're one to talk.
[Scene: The rest stop, Joey is making a sign.]
Joey: Okay, done.
Monica: (reading the sign) What's 'pleh'?
Joey: That's 'help' spelled backwards so that the helicopters can read itfrom the air!
Monica: Huh. What's doofus spelled backwards?
[Ross drives up.]
Rachel: (all excited) Op, op, car! Car!! (sees it's Ross) Ugh!!!
Phoebe: Oh, it's Ross on one of his drives!
Chandler and Joey: Hey!!
Phoebe: Hi!
Rachel: What is he doing here?!
Ross:He is saving your butt, ah, unless of course I'm stepping on some toeshere, in which case I can just mosey on, I've got plenty of people to help onthe Interstate.
All:No! Come on!
Rachel: All right!! Fine! Fine.
[Ross grabs the gas can he brought along, and walks through Joey's signdestroying it.]
Joey: Arrrghh!!
Chandler: Oh no, now it's not gonna make any sense!
Phoebe: (to Chandler and Monica) You guys, what, what do we do about Ross whodrove all the way up here? What do we do? Just like send him back and we'rethen gonna go skiing?
Chandler: Oh, this is horrible, it's just horrible.
Joey: Guys, do you think we should ask Ross to come along?
Monica: I know, what about Rachel? I mean how are we even gonna ask her?
Rachel: Ask me what?
Monica: Umm, if ah, it might be okay if Ross came skiing?
Chandler, Phoebe, and Joey: No, I wasn't gonna ask you that, no.
Rachel: You guys are unbelievable. No! He cannot come.
Ross: Excuse me?
Chandler: It's horrible.
Ross: (sarcastic) Oh please, can't I come to your special, magical cabin?
Rachel: Why would you even want to come Ross? You're a horrible skier.
Ross: Oh-oh, hitting me where it hurts, my ski skills.
Monica: Here we go again.
Joey: I-I can't handle this, you guys.
Chandler: Y'know what, I can handle it, handle's my middle name. Actually it'sthe ah, middle part of my first name.
Ross: All right Pheebs, your cab's ready.
Rachel: All right, let's go!
Ross: You're welcome.
Rachel: Oh, I'm sorry, were you speaking to me or sleeping with someone else?
Ross: We were on a break!
Rachel: Y'know Ross why don't you put that on your answering machine!
Ross: Hey-hey, it's valid okay? And I'm not the only one who thinks so,Monica agrees with me.
Rachel: (to Monica) What?!
Monica: (shyly) I don't know.
Ross: That's what you said last night.
Monica: What I said was, was that I understood. Joey's the one who agreed withyou!
Ross: Okay.
Rachel: Really Joey?
Joey: (pause) What?
Phoebe: Y'know what, but there is, there is no right or wrong, here.
Rachel: No, I think it's very obvious who's wrong here.
Ross: Obviously not to Joey.
[They all turn around and look at Joey.]
Joey: (pause) What?
[They all start fighting with each other.]
Ross: (to Rachel) Look both, Joey and Monica feel the same way that I do.No-no-no-no.
Chandler: Guys, guys, guess who I am?! (starts dancing around in an effort tostop the fighting.)
[They stop briefly to look at Chandler, but then start fighting again.]
Phoebe: Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!! Hey!!! (they all stop fighting, Chandler continuesto dance.) Look what you're doing to Chandler!! (Chandler finally stops) (toRoss and Rachel) Yeah, look, we know this is really, really hard for you guys.Okay? (Ross starts to leave) You don't, all right you don't have to love eachother, okay? You don't, you don't even have to like each other much right now.But please, you have to figure out a way to be around each other.
Joey: Yeah, and not put us in the middle.
Phoebe: Yeah, otherwise, I mean that's, that's, that's just it for us hangingout together. Y'know is that what you want? (they both look away) Can you becivil?
Rachel: Yeah.
Ross: I can.
Phoebe: Okay. Good, all right, let's get back in the car, 'cause it's freezing,and my chest is unsupported.
Joey: Oh what, wait, wait a second, I mean, what are we doing? Who's goingwith who?
Ross: Look, you guys, you guys should go. (Joey tries to say something, butRoss cuts him off.) No, I'm, you, you planned this all out, and I don't want toruin it, so you guys should just go.
Joey: Come on man, you drove all the way up here.
Ross: No, no, really, I've got to take the car back anyway, I'm spending allday tomorrow with Ben, It's fine, no guilt I promise.
Rachel: Thank you.
Monica: All right, we'll call you when we get back.
Ross: Okay.
Phoebe: Maybe we can like go to a movie or something.
Ross: Okay.
Phoebe: Or, or the rodeo!!
Ross: That would be great.
Phoebe: Okay!
Chandler: I was being Shelly Winters from The Poseidon Adventure.
Ross: I know!
[They all get in the cab and drive away.]
Phoebe: Bye!!!
[Ross tries to start the truck, and discovers the battery's dead.]
Closing Credits
[Scene: Carol and Susan's, Carol is running to answer the door.]
Carol: (looking through the peephole) Ugh. (opening the door) Ross!
Ross: (entering) Hi! Sorry I'm late. Were you sleeping?
Carol: Ahh, nooo!!
Ross: Oh, great! Listen, oh I had to get you a whole new battery. I got youthe best one I could, 'cause that's not where you want to skimp.
Carol: You're a genius, Ross.
Ross: Yeah, well it came to about $112, but what the hell, just call it aneven 110?
Carol: Okay, I'll pay you tomorrow. (pushes him out the door)
Ross: Okay.
Carol: Okay, bye!!
Ross: So they ah, they all took off, it was pretty hard watching them go,y'know?
Carol: Yeah, okay, bye. (closes the door, turns out the lights, and runs backto the bedroom)
Ross: (outside the door) So I'm gonna take off then!

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