
VueMinder 9.1.1 新版本已经发布,需要的同学赶紧下载使用吧(9.0.3keygen还可以用)

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发表于 2012-5-23 12:17:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 sxczcql666 于 2012-5-25 14:09 编辑



Version 9.1.1 (May 19, 2012)
  • NOTE: This version requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0. Please ensure you have this version of the .NET Framework. Otherwise, VueMinder won't start!
  • Improved the description editor when inserting a picture. The inserted picture size can now be adjusted as a percentage of original, rather than the width and height fields needing to be adjusted separately.
  • Improved calendar sharing to allow email, SMS, or text message reminders to be defined by other users. Previously, these reminder settings were disabled for everyone except the event creator.
  • Improved reliability of all calendar syncing (publish/subscribe, sharing over LAN, and syncing with Google Calendar or Outlook). Note, these improvements require .NET Framework 4.0 to be installed.
  • Improved syncing with Google Calendar. Before the webpage appears asking permission to access data, a message will be displayed to explain that VueMinder needs permission to be granted via the web browser, and the web browser can be closed afterwards.
  • Corrected Google Calendar syncing when offline to not show the web browser asking for permission to access data each time the calendar attempts to sync, but can't due to being offline.
  • Corrected problems with high CPU use when there's no internet connection or when a firewall is blocking VueMinder.
  • Corrected adding Google Calendars that contain more than 2500 events. Some events weren't appearing in VueMinder.
  • Corrected problems syncing with Google Calendar if an event is changed from being all-day to a having a start time, or vice versa.
  • Corrected problems syncing with Google Calendar if a recurring event is changed to a single instance, or vice versa.
  • Corrected problems with duplicate events sometimes being generated when syncing with Google Calendar. Additional safeguards have added to prevent this from happening.
  • Corrected problems syncing calendar colors between VueMinder and Google Calendar, if syncing 2-way. When the calendar color was changed in Google Calendar, it would sometimes be reset after syncing with VueMinder.
  • Corrected dismissing of a secondary reminders that are based on the event ending time. The reminder would sometimes reappear after 1 minute, despite being dismissed.
  • Corrected saving as a web page to include date background colors. Previously, only date background images were included.
  • Corrected a problem with custom fields sometimes being removed if the Move Up or Move Down buttons are used to adjust the ordering of the custom fields.
  • Corrected the Day view when multiple dates are shown. Whenever a date is selected in the Month view or Navigation Pane, the selected date will always appear in the left-most column of the Day View, even if the date was already displayed in one of the other columns.
  • Corrected the starting time of a new event when created by double-clicking an empty timeslot in the Day or Week views of the Desktop Calendar. The event start time will match whichever timeslot is double-clicked.
  • Corrected the Upcoming Events list on the Desktop Calendar for multi-day events. The first date of the event will be shown, rather than the last.
  • Corrected a problem with all-day events sometimes not appearing at the top of the Day or Week views if the Calendar Options are configured to show a range of timeslots insead of the entire day.
  • Corrected the Day and Week views to not truncate the last character of notes if the color sidebar is shown.
  • Corrected a problem with recurring event variation colors being changed to the calendar color after saving changes to a recurring series, if events are colored based on category, priority, or location.
  • Corrected importing events from Excel if the spreadsheet has separate columns for the event date and time. The event time was sometimes importing as 12:00 AM instead of the specified value.
  • Corrected the sync frequency field in the Sharing Options. The field was being incorrectly hidden.
  • Corrected the Details Pane to use the date/time format specified in the Calendar Options. Text will also be anti-aliased now, for a cleaner look.
  • Corrected a problem with the checkboxes in the Calendar Items list for task or note calendars when multiple calendars are defined. The checkboxes were either all checked or all unchecked after restarting VueMinder. They will now be restored to their previous state.
  • Other minor improvements and corrections.

  • Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP SP3, Server 2003, 2008, 2011, 2012
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (this will be installed if it's missing)
  • Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported
  • CPU 500 MHz or faster
  • RAM 512 MB or higher
  • An internet connection is recommended, but optional
  • Microsoft Excel and Outlook are supported but optional


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