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发表于 2012-3-23 23:00:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BEIJING, Liaoyang, March 23 (Sun Lin Zhang Man) 22 23 50 points, is the scene of the rescue of the lighthouse City, Liaoning Province mine the Secretary for the State Administration of Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau, Jian-Hua Fu, informed the media that the mine Nei Wasiconcentration of more than 20% of the rescue work, the urgent need to resume underground ventilation.
Jian-Hua Fu pointed out that the accident coal mine after the holiday does not pass through the resumption of production acceptance, should not return to work, there is the problem of the illegal organization of production.
At 11:40 on the 22nd, the county-level city in Liaoning Province Liaoyang Municipality - the lighthouse City West town of Kiln rhubarb two mine coal mine gas explosion, the accident killed five people, one people were injured and 17 people were trapped underground. The remains of five dead miners have been found. Mine accident is private enterprise of the local miners to escape after the accident, the relevant departments are fully apprehend among
Reporters on the scene to see, more than 20 ambulances from the Liaoyang city's major hospitals, mining ambulance parked in an explosion near the mine waiting to treat the wounded. More than 50 batches of professional rescue team to go down to the detection and rescue. Due to the smaller size of the mine accident, each only 3-4 rescuers to go down.
Deep underground search and rescue personnel return to the ground, underground mine accident is more complex due to the ventilation equipment were destroyed, wells high concentration of harmful gases, the gas concentration exceeds 20%, carbon monoxide up to 400ppm. In addition, wells partial roof fall situation, and trapped in a roof fall within the region, rescue work difficult.
Jian-Hua Fu from Shen Coal rescue team working underground all-out search and rescue, trapped chance of survival is unknown. Rescue the rescue headquarters, the next step will fully restore the underground ventilation, reducing the concentration of harmful gases, so as to create conditions for large-scale search and rescue.
It is understood that in Liaoning coal supervisor has asked all coal mines in Liaoning province to stop after the holiday complex production acceptance. Acceptance of coal has been produced through the complex, require careful investigation and hidden, to avoid recurrence of similar incidents.

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