
Eating on a Budget in France, Belgium, Holland and Denmark

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发表于 2011-8-16 09:45:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Eating on a Budgetin France, Belgium, Holland and Denmark
Thousands of candles can be lit from a the north face single candle, and thelife of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by beingshared." The Buddha.Candles are an age old traditional part of Buddhistrituals. In conjunction with incense and flowers, they are placed in front ofBuddhist shrines or statues and images of the Buddha as a mark of respect. Theyare often accompanied by offerings of food and drink. The light of the burningcandle flame represents the light of the Buddha's teachings. Candles andincense also evoke the state of impermanence and change.Their light can also besaid to symbolize the enlightenment of the Buddha.Wine is usually the cheapestdrink if you order the "vin du pays" or the "vin du maison".Most bars offer a "croque monsieur", a grilled ham and cheesesandwich. Breakfast is usually fresh warm croissants and caf¨¦ au lait, whichby the way, most French only drink in the morning, after that it's expresso allthe way.Here are a few key phrases to help you eat well in French:Food=nouriture breakfast=petit-dejeuner lunch=dejeuner dinner=diner bread=paincheese=fromage soup=soupe Salad=salade meat=viande fish=poisson fruit=fruitvegetables=legumes dessert=dessert Delicious!=Delicieux! I am a vegetarian: Je suisvegetarian.They make their own beer - home brew style and on a sunny summerday, a cold mug of their beer with a chunk of their cheese and a slab or two oftheir homemade bread is surely a taste of Nirvana. The words chunk and slab areused advisedly, the monks do not stand on ceremony nor observe the delicaciesin food service! Also in this region, some of the country inns will serve north face discount wild boar. It'san acquired taste. Belgium speaks French in the south (Walloon region) andFlemish (similar to Dutch in the north).GQ

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