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发表于 2003-4-3 17:50:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
以下是引用qnd在4/3/2003 4:07:19 PM的发言:
Managing the boss is really a topic that's seldom discussed.  It's surprising that you have noticed this.

I agree on the point we need to find the good boss first.  Question is: How to define a good boss?  At most time, it's not easy to define 'good' boss versus 'bad' boss.

I just want to share with you my point: Take your boss as usual human. There's very few persons that're really outstanding in management and leadership. What it means? it means that as subordinate you need to have proper expectation on your boss.

This is only one of my observations in my career.  For your reference.

    I am sure that most of our bosses had told us the same words. " Do not think of me as a boss,just think of me as a friend who is always right.' The words  seem to  be what a  lady always tells a man,such as she wants to lose her weight. Do not trust these words. Because they are not really hope to do what they said. Good willing sometimes is difficult to be come ture.
    At first, I hope everyone knows how important this topic is. It will affect your career.

   Below, I recommend severl ways to judge your boss' characters.
   To know his stratagems about company's future. As a boss, if he or she has no clear future plans, u should consider whether you continue working for him.
    To know his behaviors or business styles. If he always stay in his office,he has no pastime or has meetings all the time. He is a bad one.
    To know his habits or interests, if he is worldly.  --bad.
    To know how he sloved any problems and  what he did  when something urgent happened.
    To know his friends......

   Welcome anyone who can write down their own opinions.
 楼主| 发表于 2003-4-4 17:29:00 | 只看该作者
Sure. "How to define a  boss?"It is a big and  difficlut  question to answer clearly  
Actually, I would rather anyone can discuss with us step by step than I one answer it  clearly.

According to my personal  point of views, I appreciate those who can educate their staff how to become a good leader or boss.  Certainlly, If I have any chances, I hope to work for them to improve my value.

I consider that juding a boss is good or bad  by whether he or she can bing any benefits (working experience, leadership, status, etc.)to you.

What do you think of?
发表于 2004-5-23 16:15:00 | 只看该作者

i think as a boss must be benifit something as your said , make you feel you can improve in the team :including work , even life;

richardyoungwis 该用户已被删除
发表于 2009-2-5 10:29:00 | 只看该作者
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