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发表于 2003-4-1 17:57:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Xu chun's words make me remember a story about the Original world.
   Once, I read an article in the Good Book about why human use different languages in the

world and it bings many difficulties in communicating with each other. The Good Book says, at

the beginning of the world, people from all over the world, only speak the same language, they

live happily together with good friendship, respecting each other. One day, some people have a

strange idea, hoping to reach the sky and finding out where God lives. Therefore, human decide

to build a tower, named Touch Sky Tower. Many people start to build it with excited mood.
They stand in a line and pass bricks one by one. Many days past, the tower is becoming higher

and higher, people are becoming more excited, too. They continue working faster. The God is

woke up by the noise from the building site. He is disatisfied with human's curiosity and find

out a way to stop human's stupid behaviors. He makes human talk to each other in different

languages. (which is making human talk to each other in different language.)From then on,

people stop working together building the tower because of commication difficulties. However,

the God's behavior brings rich and colorful living to future human and it benefits human's

  I guess, one day, if everyone throughout the world speak the same language and living with

the same culture, the world will become boring. Simple civilization bings simple human.More

improtantly, competition will become less and less and no new factors stimulate human to make

progress.  If this situation happens in the future, people have to expand to the universe,

otherwise ,we will face death. How to expand? Mabye human need to explore other celestial

  The Emperor Kang Xi of Qing Dynasty had unified the whole China. He had made China the

strongest country in the world.(During the period of Emperor Kang Xi of Qing Dynasty, China

was the strongest country in the world.) Afterward( After his death), why did China fall

behind?  Because China refused the new and foreign culture. No competition cause development

  The biggest IT company in the world, Microsoft's president said that his company would face

brankrup after half year.It means that his comany will brankup if it stops developing. it is a

naure rule, no progress no living (progress or death).
  People always think each war has the different purposes, for development or for survial.
I consider that it has only one goal, the fundamental intention which is survival. What is the

goal of development? The anwser is living better.

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