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发表于 2003-3-31 12:24:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



   请在该帖后跟帖,或发到我的邮箱   info@manager.net.cn


[此贴子已经被作者于3/31/2003 12:24:59 PM编辑过]
发表于 2003-3-31 14:51:00 | 只看该作者
Dear Hu tu:
  My primary ID is guawuyu, today I have changed my ID that is 寡无欲. Did you remember I sent to you a email about some personal opinions and suggestions.
  I am gald to write you to apply for the 斑竹 position. My first choice is : 管理漫谈, the second choice is: 经理人的修炼,the third choice is: 战略管理。
  Below I will clarify my background about education, competence, work experiece and ect. I do hope that my qualification is just what you want.
   I graduated from ** University three years ago with master degree, majoring in Business Management. I have worked for some enterprises, like  **,** and some famous local company for studying and practice during university time. I read and study a large number of books except management, for example 兵法,春秋,三国,君王论,智慧书,厚黑 and so on, and I am writing what I has learned.
  Nowadays, I am working as a assistant to General Manager for a joint venture company of branch in shanghai. (www.**.com) Also, I am in charge of a marketing department. My respoinsiblity mainly include develop market, serve and assort company with big clients, such as IBM, MOTOROLA, Microsoft, HP, Orcal and some international big IT companys. I have much experience in management and it must can meet your requirement.
  I am very interesting in new knowlege to meet me on different tasks. and I have interesting in summarizing some business and mangement experience, and have adequate time to surf in internet.
  What do you think of?
  By the way, I am an internet administrator of our university's alumni association in shangha.i
  I would appreciate if u can consider my request. I am confident I will make much valuable attribution to your forum.

                                                                                                       Your sincerly,

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