
2011 IEEE第三届网络安全、无线通信和可信计算国际会议-NSWCTC 2011 (EI Compende

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发表于 2010-10-23 14:05:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

The 3rd International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing-NSWCTC2011 (EI Compendex/ISTP)
2011  IEEE第三届网络安全、无线通信和可信计算国际会议-NSWCTC 2011 (EI Compendex/ISTP)


Paper submission due:             10 December, 2010
Notification of paper acceptance: 31 December, 2010 
Final manuscript due:             8 January 2011 


Online submission system: http://www.nswctc.org/submission.html


The 3rd International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing (NSWCTC2011)

serves as a forum for researchers, industry professionals, and academics interested in networks security,

wireless communications and trusted computing, with the goal of fostering interaction. The conference was

sponsored and supported by Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Research Association

of Modern Education and Computer Science, Harbin Institute of Technology, IEEE Changsha Subsection. The

NSWCTC2011 Proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society's CPS, all papers accepted will be included in

IEEE Xplore, and arrange for indexing service(EI and ISTP). The best papers presented at the conference will be

selected for publications in special issues for NSWCTC 2011, which are indexed by SCI or EI.

Authors are invited to submit original unpublished manuscripts that demonstrate recent advances the following

areas of interest, but are not limited to:


Area 1: Networks Security
Intrusion Detection and Prevention
Biometric Security and Artificial Intelligence
Cryptography and security protocols
Authentication and Identification
Bayesian Networks, Fuzzy and Rough Set
Mobile System Security
Ubiquitous Computing Security
Sensor and Mobile Ad Hoc Network Security
Security in Wireless Network
Security of GSM/GPRS/UMTS systems
Security for Grid Computing
Security for Web Services
Security for Personal Data and Databases
Peer-to-Peer Security
Risk Assessment
Forecasting Terrorism
Denial of Service and other attacks
Management of Computing Security
Intelligent Multimedia Security Services
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
E-commerce protocols


Area 2: Wireless Communications
UWB and Impulse Radio
Channel Modeling and Characterization
Modulation/Coding/Signal Processing
B3G Systems, WiMAX and WLAN
Advances in Wireless Video
RFID Technologies
Mobility and Handoff Management
Wireless/mobile networked Applications
Multimedia in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks
Authentication, Authorization and Billing
Location Based Services (LBS)
Applications and Services for B3G/4G era
Radio Resource Management
Networking and Systems
Wireless sensors networking
Network measurement and Management
Ad hoc and sensor networks
Multimedia QoS and traffic Management
Internetworking of WLAN & Cellular Networks
Network protocols for Mobile Networks

Area 3: Trusted Computing
Semantics, Metrics and Models of Trust
Trust Establishment, Propagation and Management
Trusted Software and Database
Trusted Computing Platform
Trusted operating system
Trusted Network Computing
Trusted Services and Applications
Trust in E-commerce and E-government
Trust in Mobile and Wireless Networks
Reliable and Fault-tolerant Systems
Survivable Systems
Key Management

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The Secretary of NSWCTC 2011
E-mail: nswctc2011@vip.sina.com, info@nswctc.org
Phone: +86-15102769170
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