
心情日记——大家谈 (每日更新,欢迎连载)

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发表于 2004-1-11 10:05:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
If possible, I would try sharing my oppinions with others.
If possible, we could discuss anything.
If possible, I will show my work to everyone.
If possible, I hope everyone could enjoy chating in English.
If possible, come here to say Hi to every new friends.
If possible, we should write anything as much as we can in English.
If possible, Please do remember, we are differen persons who want to be a interneational business man.
If possible, do not forget, the whole world is ours.
If possible, please keep on writing something in the forum.
If possible, we can correct someone's grammar mistake.
If possible, we need to improve oursevles together.
If possible, try to come there everyday and leave something.
If possible, write what you did and what you will do in English everyday.

If possible, please support our work!

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-1-13 1:29:04编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2004-1-11 10:11:00 | 只看该作者
This is part of my assignment. I would like to show my work to everyone in order to encourage others  to share their work. Meanwhile, I do hope to know everyone's work as well.

Part one: Consumer & market analysis
1.1         General market information
1.2         Part one, Part two
■        Sensation
2.1  Vision
2.2  Touch
2.3  Smell
■        Group influence
3.1  What is group
3.2  The influence of group
3.3  Attitudes towards buying products
■        Lifestyle - Today’s woman
4.1  Opportunities arise with changing age demographics
4.2  Exclusive consumer research
4.3  Today's female
■        Perception of product quality
5.1  Consumers requirement
5.2  A range of quality factors when buying
5.3  Acting on dissatisfaction

■        Conclusion
6.2  The position of Radox and its competitors
6.2  The trend towards to multi-functional prosperities
6.3  The major features
6.4  Other features

Part two: Planning and Further Research for Radox
■        Marketing recommendations for Radox
7.1  Recommendations for function
7.2  Products packaging
7.3  Advertising and promotion

■        Further qualitative research brief
8.1  Objective
8.2  Problem definition,
8.3  Further qualitative research
8.4  Sampling
8.5  Research instrument
8.6  Analysis and conclusion
 楼主| 发表于 2004-1-11 10:12:00 | 只看该作者
■  Introduction
Nowadays Bodywash manufacturers are facing extreme competition. As consumers become familiar with the bodywash concept, some of the brands are launching more sophisticated skincare-oriented variants. The good example is Olay Daily Renewal Bodywash, launched in May 2000, contains a patented formula that seals moisture onto the skin, which claims to improve its condition and provide 24-hour hydration.
For many people, washing is no longer just about cleanliness, but about feeling energised and ready for the day ahead, or relaxing in a pampering bath as a means of unwinding after work. The bath products market has evolved to accommodate this change in washing behaviour with an increase in products promising more than cleanliness. As a result, consumers have been turning their back on traditional bar soaps, in preference to convenience-oriented liquid wash products that may contain mood-enhancing ingredients.
We know a large number of bodywashes in the market, but only several brands, such as Olay, Dove and Johnson & Johnson (Johnson’s Baby) are more familiar to consumers and are successful than others. They, for example, are popular and have much higher reputation, which may significantly influence consumers’ purchase decision. Why they can?
In Part One, for finding the answers, I will have a range of analysis in terms of our group’s primary qualitative research targeting 15-25-year-olds female consumer and evaluate those aspects of consumer behaviour that I consider most critical, including Sensation, Group influence, Lifestyle - Today’s woman and Quality of products, in order to attempt to explain why and how these products are more successful.

In Part Two, I will use my findings from Part one so as to have recommendations for one specific brand, Radox, in order to increase its volume of business, the reputation and satisfy more consumers. Furthermore, I will provide a further research brief (briefly)  to support my recommendations

To be continued.....

Everyone could also show your work as well, if possible. Or althernatively, evaluate what I am saying.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-1-13 01:28:00 | 只看该作者
Nothing happened today,but everything happened today.

Nothing happened, because I really do not know what happened in the world. There are too many things which happened everyday. I am just one people who are living in the earth with other common people.

If I were one president of one company, or even one country, I might know more what is going on everyday. Because I have to know.

But, unfortunately, I do not know. I only know what I need to know, it might be enough for me.

One day passed, someone might dead, someone might born, someone might be rich, somone might be poor, and someone might be happy.

One hour passed..............One minute passed, one second passed...........
How about you?

The feelings are written by my heart.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-1-16 09:29:00 | 只看该作者
I planned to have studied English today, but  fail to do so due to my lazy.
Actually, when I have enough time, I would rather play some games or watch TV.
However, when I have no time, I prefer to study.

It might be everyone's experience.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-1-16 9:40:34编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2004-1-31 04:18:00 | 只看该作者
Having finished our examiniations, I might have a rest.         A lot of people are choosing going out for relaxing. But, I just want to stay in the same place.

They want to look throught the whole country, which they might never have chance to be. However, I just need to stay.

I might have pressure always. I might think about something always. I might not want to play with others always. I might dislike the feelings that I am wasting my time.

Normally, In my opinion, going out without any targets is too bad for human's life.

Although there are some people who told me that you can reall realx yourself and learn a lot of things, I still cannot make any sense.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-1-31 04:40:00 | 只看该作者
You know, why there are many Chinese pepole who want to stay in the UK or in other foreign places, but in China,        in my opinion, the crucial thing is safe.

Why so many Chinese        people want to get different identities and nationalities.

Why they want to have another different nationalities?Why our great chairman, Deng Xiao Ping's offsprings are all in America or other countries?

It is because of safe.

In China, you may live very well without any interupting. But, once something happened, you would involve in many troubles.

If you have not any power and money, you can do nothing in China. But you can do whatever you want in the UK or any other European Countries, if you are a citizen.

Policeman in the UK is very kind, they can do anything for you, if you want.

But, in China. Policemen are Shit!         牛b 得不行,真是傻 b.

I feel very sad about this, but it is true.

The only one way we can do is fight for our right.

How serious problem in China about Pepople's Right!!!!!
 楼主| 发表于 2004-1-31 08:58:00 | 只看该作者
一点感想: (刚到英国,我很奇怪,也一直在思索,有些人宁愿在国外做比较低得职位,但也不愿意回国发展,这是为什么?) 现在,根据我的经验, 我推测:主要是国外气氛,一种安全感! 虽然国外生活我还没有完全熟悉,但却逐渐有安全感。一种在国内没有的感觉。

我经常看新闻报道,了解英国的文化。我开始逐渐感受到,什么是真真的人权和民主。我在中国还确实没有这个意识。虽然国外一直说中国没有人权。 但,我也许是温水中青蛙,没有感觉。

中国,好像生活得非常好。 没有事情确实就没有事情, 但一旦有事情,就是大事情。在中国,没有权势,没有钱,好像什么都不能做。 在英国,我觉得不是,大家都比较关心弱势群体。 或者说,弱势群体同样能影响很多事情。 而且英国的警察特别好,有什么事情都会帮助解决。 而中国,最头疼的就是与警察打交道! 很多在国外呆久的中国人,都想拿身份。 我想这就是最主要的原因。 他们感觉在国外居住很安全,不会突然间有人把你带走,你却不知道发生了什么; 不会突然间有人闯入你家里,搜查;有什么不公平的事情,你都可以抱怨。 (抱怨这个机制特别有意思,如:大学稍微有点什么事情,大家都可以抱怨,写信,投票,如:更改课程的时间设置,更改 bus 的接送时间,更改一切你想更改的,只要你能争取到更多的人支持) 在公共汽车上,你随便问司机问题,整个车上的人都可以等你,直到你问完。
 楼主| 发表于 2004-2-3 03:00:00 | 只看该作者

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The work which I am doing is to wake up more people that what on earth problems we need to solve. What is the real and key problem in our country?

We might think that Human Rights are nothing. We cannot use it do anything.

Actually, it is a misunderstanding.

As for Individual:

If meeting any problems, you have right to solve it. You can be treated fairly, although you are nobody.

宝马 撞人 If you read the article, you may know what unfair treatment you may face.

As for nation and country:

We need to avoid the high risk, which we may meet. We cannot expect that our country will be strongest in the word because of our chairman. (Ze Dong Mao, Xiao Ping Deng) If we just reply on one person’s effort, we may face too high risk. We need to expect that our country will be a leader in the word because of our efforts.

Everyone in the forum might understand management including theories and practices

If one company is successful today, which only depends on one leader, the organization may involve in troubles tomorrow morning. And, the troubles may be fatal, because nobody supervises his behaviours. And he knows nothing alternative ways to solve the same problem. He knows nothing about better plans.

Actually, you know, Human Rights are not

From some aspects, I may be stronger than others, or even be much stronger.

But, I cannot feel safety in China. How could you have?

 楼主| 发表于 2004-2-3 03:01:00 | 只看该作者

心情日记——大家谈 (每日更新,欢迎连载)

It seems that we are communicating with many wise people, who may be the future elite of China.

We need        to understand that under what circumstance we are, and afterwards, we could know what need        us to do and what aspects        need us to improve.

The first step, we need to know        where        a bad        light is. The second step is to repair it.

Our great country and nation need us to change something.

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