Nowadays, woman's position are changed remarkly due to the development of the economy, particularly in Internet, especially, in the forum. In other words, the much higher position makes the woman lost her direction or talk nonsense.
As a manager, we should control our emtion, even hide them for a long time, since these negative elements will cause her get out of the mind.
If we use this adjective "Sentimental" to draw one picture of this woman's face with strong emtion, how we might get? A woman with her angry and pale, no matter it is her words and face.
Artificial chinese characters would result in nonsense.
Ignorant is similar to narrow, which is the same as blindness due to poorness. All these characters would result in some symptom as above.
Yes, you are right. I am a doctor and psychologist.
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-12-29 8:11:33编辑过] |