
[公告]【招聘】猎头职位—World Wide Leading Communicate Equipment Provider

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发表于 2010-4-8 11:52:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Senior Sw Engineer

Position Description

- Work with leading edge technology, developing BCS product (coding in Java)

-  Perform software design: analyze customer requirements and propose system implementation solutions; track requirements all the way till requirements are fulfilled (when enough experience is gained)

- Handle product customization or Product Maintenance work; perform trouble-shooting

- Design documentation such as component description and use case modeling during system design and implementation

- Perform function test including test design and test execution


- University Bachelor or Master Degree in any of the following: Computer Science, Information Technology or Electrical Engineering. More than one year experience in related field is required

- Solid experience on Java EE more than one year

- Experience on Hibernate and Spring are advantages

- Experience on Web service, XML is an advantage

- Knowledge of Telecommunications (GSM/GPRS and WCDMA system) is an advantage

- Knowledge of Solaris and/or Linux system is an advantage

- Experience with Java script and JSP

- Experience on Network programming and Multi-thread programming is an advantage

- Basic knowledge of Software Engineering

- Good English communication skills (both in written and verbal)

- Can work independently, easy to work with and strong team work spirit

- Ability to learn new technology quickly and apply to work tasks

- Innovative and solution thinking

- Open minded and willing to take challenges

Jacky SU
MyWay Consulting
Fax: 021-64086928-202
Mobile: 13641800916
Email: jacky.su@mywayhr.com
website: www.mywayhr.com

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