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发表于 2009-12-16 08:43:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


Does it make you feel better about Chinese quality? Not really. The idea behind it seems to be that while things are made in China, they are designed elsewhere (a fact that Apple makes very clear on the back of its iPods).

So you shouldn’t worry about your shoes, fridges and clothes. Just because they are made in China doesn’t mean they are Chinese - they are still reassuringly foreign.




You are right, of course, but you have left out one important element. While it is correct for the ad campaign to make the point that many foreign enterprises carry out design overseas, it is incorrect to overlook the fact that the vast majority of products that are made in Chinese factories are indeed designed locally. With a few exceptions, the toy wagon you buy for your child for Christmas will probably have been created by a Chinese company. The Western brand name will been attached later.



You are right, of course, but have also overlooked the fact that the Ministry of Commerce has overlooked that fact, which in fact is what this is all about.






To the author, I'm not saying that products made in China, or anywhere else in Asia, are perfect. Neither would I believe that of America's. But if you think that U.S., or U.K., or any single country can suffice its domestic market's need with its own so-called quality products, go ahead.



Thanks for the comment SirZ. No country makes perfect products. It is just that China's products over the last few years have taken a beating in the public eye, and for a reason. Beijing obviously knows it otherwise there wouldn't be a campaign like this in the first place. And nowhere did I say that the "U.S. or U.K. or any single country can suffice its domestic market with its own quality products." It wasn't even implied. I asked a question about what can this campaign do globally to improve the image in regards to fake goods sold here (in Asia.) Anyway, thanks for the comment and we're always happy to respond to what our readers say. Regards, Chris





bob wrote:

Business who decide where their products are made will do their research and they know perfectly China can make anything to any quality you want. Made in China isn’t a consumer brand, its a manufacturing brand, consumers will believe anything they see on TV and knows nothing about how the system works. China could gain more by promoting more consumer brands instead of 「made in china」 that carry no weight.

For example, nobody cares, or knows Lenovo is a Chinese company founded by Chinese Academy of Sciences, a government institution.



Gabriel antoine wrote:

Do you really think this is good? China is communist, a perfect example of this is the iPod nano. Look into the work conditions at the manufacturing companies that make apple products. Pretty much comparable to slave labor. Not forced labor but forcing the need to labor by paying very little and causing many Chinese citizens to depend on overtime just to get by. Beisdes, America doesn’t trust the Chinese government, that commercial is a product of those people. Why should we be so moved or convinced by it? Its purpose is to make the Chinese government more money. Take it as you will, but it’s sending our money to china and our officials are being blamed for it. If you don’t want America to lose it’s palce as he world power, I suggest we don’t fall on our knees to a country we don’t even approve of. Sorry my post may not be so airtight, I’m not writing and essay, just posting a comment. My email is <A href="http://www.1234.com.cn/forum/mailto:gabe.antoine@gmail.com">gabe.antoine@gmail.com if you want to discuss or rebuttle my opinion, would love to hear other thoughts on the subject.

你真的认为这个是好主意?中国是共产主义,一个最好的例子就是ipod nana,看看那些制造apple产品的工厂的工作条件,完全的奴隶工厂。并不强制劳动,但是强制他们必须通过加班才能获得更多工资。另外,美国并不信任中国政府,这个商业广告是他们做的,我们为什么要相信这个广告?这个广告的目的是让中国政府获益。信不信由你,但是这个广告是使我们的钱流向中国,而且我们的官员还因为此事受到指责。如果你不希望美国失去它现在的世界地位,我建议不要向一个我们不认同的国家屈膝。不好意思,我的回复可能会被遮罩,我并不是长篇大论的人,只是发表对此事的评论,我的email是<A href="http://www.1234.com.cn/forum/mailto:gabe.antoine@gmail.com">gabe.antoine@gmail.com,如果你想跟我讨论这些观点,我将非常高兴看到对此事的不同看法。

Bulb wrote:

Really good strategy, creation predictable and boring.

And if it was made to be emotional - to short for that.

Chinese ad-agency, Chinese client and on the other side – European (American etc) target group. That was a mistake. The picture of our reality and live - shallow, flat and unemotional.

But strategy, that is what rules here.





Dan wrote:

If they delayed it because of the problem with the Chinese milk, why didn’t they delay it again due to the problems with the drywall from China? The list gets longer all the time.

Joe wrote:

China is a communist country that makes USA manufacturing products, with POOR QUALITY. And moreover taking jobs away from us and manipulate yuan currency keeping low, by making china products very cheap versus US products. Here we are having a deep recession, for many years, unless we make our products here. While keep buying china products, US deficit will keep growing, causing dollar inflation greatly.

We are getting poor.



York wrote:

You want global economy so that you can make money by selling goods. You hate global economy as you don’t want others to make money from you. Man, you can not have it both ways.

BTW, this whole Made-in-China blaming game all sounds too familiar as Japan in 1970s. Only difference now is the word 「communist」. Do you know that the most capitalistic market now in the world is in China?

Stop living in day dream and letting others think for you. See the world yourself and think with your own brain. If US has been a 「developed」 country as what northern european countries are, there would not have been such a Made-in-China issue. Because you do not need to fight for the low pay labor jobs with the poor chinese farmers, but rather work in bright and clean office and design your next CPU or aircraft.




Apple vs. Orange wrote:

The ad seems to be boring but it’s def a wise move by the Chinese government to air China’s image to the world, which should have been done a decade ago. China is not asking US or other 「powers」 for approval; no one is forcing your government to import cheap goods from China at the cost of your ppl’s job loss. China doesn’t need to beg any country for that. It’s pointless to say whether China likes or hates global economy coz it is the way the world is going to, no matter u like it or not. Even there is no China, there are still cheaper markets outside your country which will be your new product providers, so don’t give credit to a particular country for the domestic crisis.


发表于 2009-12-23 15:11:22 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-8-16 11:07:02 | 只看该作者



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