转帖:执行力 As I continue to observe companies trying to survive and grow during the current global economic conditions of today, I notice commonalities that were evident during previous economic downturns. And, I keep asking myself, why are companies so slow to learn the lessons provided by those companies that have not only survived previous economic downturns but become stronger due to the economic downturn. Most companies do not fail for lack of money, talent or strategic vision. They fail for lack of execution - the routine everyday functions that great companies consistently do well and always strive to do better. Those of you who have heard me speak, especially those students who have attended various seminars I've given for business schools around the world, know that I am of the opinion that most business schools do a poor job of teaching the fundamentals of implementation. The dirty work as I call it. Executives today write wonderful strategic plans but do a poor job if any at all when it comes to writing and implementing the action plan. If you are not able to put your "wonderful" strategic plan into action, what good is it? "The reason very little changes is that the skills of strategic implementation are not treated with the same level of importance as are the skills needed to write an effective strategic vision" ... Russ Miller! Those of you who have heard me speak, especially those students who have attended various seminars I've given for business schools around the world, know that I am of the opinion that most business schools do a poor job of teaching the fundamentals of implementation. The dirty work as I call it. Executives today write wonderful strategic plans but do a poor job if any at all when it comes to writing and implementing the action plan. If you are not able to put your "wonderful" strategic plan into action, what good is it? "The reason very little changes is that the skills of strategic implementation are not treated with the same level of importance as are the skills needed to write an effective strategic vision" ... Russ Miller! 当我持续性地研究在今天的全球经济环境下尽全力生存和发展的企业时,我发现了与上个经济不景气期诸多非常明显的共性。同时,我也不断地问自己,为什么很多企业学习在上次经济不景气期中不但存活下来而且还不断发展壮大的企业的经验教训的速度会如此的慢。 绝大多数公司不是因为缺钱而失败,也不是因为缺少精英而失败,更不是因为缺少战略远景而失败。但他们都败在了缺少执行力上—没有象伟大的公司一样把那些每日例行的职责做好并不断强化它。 那些听过我演讲的人,特别是那些参加过我给全世界很多商学院举办的研讨会的学生,都知道我一直持一个观点—绝大多数的商学院在传授关于执行的基本法则时都做得很不好,这也是一件我称之为苦活的事情。今天的执行官们制定了很多精彩的战略计划但是当提到制定和执行相应的行动计划时却都有一个算一个地没了作为。如果你不能把你的“精彩绝伦”的战略计划付诸实施,那这个东西又怎么称得上好呢? “执行战略的能力无法与制定出有效的战略远景所需要的能力受到同等重视的原因几乎一直没有变过……”Russ Miller! 该贴来自群组:重庆家人 |