返工与返修定义 ISO 9000(2005) 3.6 有关产品符合要求(conformity)相关术语的定义 3.6.7 rework:action on a nonconforming product to make it conform to the requirements NOTE Unlike rework, repair (3.6.9) can affect or change parts of the nonconforming product. 3.6.9 repair:action on a nonconforming product (3.4.2) to make it acceptable for the intended use NOTE 1 Repair includes remedial action taken on a previously conforming product to restore it for use, for example as part of maintenance. NOTE 2 Unlike rework (3.6.7), repair can affect or change parts of the nonconforming product.
英文字典上返工与返修的翻译 1 Rework 重做; 修订 2 Repair修理; 补救; 修补; 纠正; 修理, 修补
返工与返修的见解 1 返工Rework:返工是为了使不符合要求的产品所采取的措施,在顾客眼中这些返工品与正常品是没有二样,例如:钻洞孔径过小,重新以正确孔径钻过,或者贴错标签,将错误标签撕掉、擦拭后改贴正确标签等,其重点是对品质毫无影响符合顾客要求。 2 返修Repair:因未能完全符合顾客原有要求而采取返修,故一般返修品出货必需在出货前事先征得顾客的特许,例如:钻洞孔径过大,只好先焊接补洞磨平然后再钻孔,或者贴错标签,将错误标签撕掉而留下贴痕擦拭不了,虽改贴正确标签但留下痕迹,此时品质已经走样,所以返修的许可应事先通过设计部门的审议、试验、验证等谨慎而繁复工作,一般也不太适合做为正常合格品。 |