1. Try to be objective. Is it your boss that you want or a power trip? Sex with management can be a huge ego boost, not to mention the chance to max out the company credit card after “working late” on that all-important presentation. But peel away the perks and what exactly are you left with?
2. Still love is it? Think of the number of people that you have dated in your life versus the number of people that you have settled down with. The odds that it is the real thing this time are not good, are they?
3. “But,” you protest, “we've got so much in common.” You do. You really do. Your job, your tea break, your colleagues, and the fact that you both work 14 hours a day.
instigate, or sustain, a relationship with someone outside office hours. No wonder so many companies have relaxed their policies on office romance.
5. If you are both single, your relationship is unlikely to be a problem. Most companies recognise that four out of every ten people meet their spouse at the office. However, if one or other of you is married, expect universal disapproval, a transfer, or, possibly, your P45.
6. According to Gary N. Powell, the author of Gender and Diversity in the Workplace, hierarchical romances in which one participant directly reports to the other, or one participant swaps sexual favours in exchange for career advancement, are the most damaging types of relationship for group morale and organisational effectiveness.
7. So, don't publicise your relationship with the boss because jealous co-workers will be quick to find evidence of preferential treatment. And avoid using company e-mail accounts to communicate with each other.
8. When the relationship breaks down, don't expect any support. Your boss is likely to turn against you and your colleagues will remain loyal to the person who pays their salary.
9. But it's not all bad news. In a 2006 poll of 5,000 women by Top Santé magazine 28 per cent of women admitted to sex with a colleague; 10 per cent had had a fling with the boss; and of that 10 per cent, 12 per cent were subsequently promoted.
10. And 11 per cent of them went on to marry their boss!