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发表于 2008-11-25 09:01:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式






 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-25 09:03:21 | 只看该作者

1 走在行业的尖端

想要在商业界竞争,你必须要了解行业里在发生些什么。假如你在发行业工作,你需要知道人们会买什么种类的书,读者们在哪里买书,下一个趋向是什么。通过阅读商务杂志,参加会议,与行业中的关键人物保持沟通会使你了解这些问题。如果你是一个企业家,比如,一名会计, 你需要精通税务法律并且了解你所在行业里的任何风吹草动。你也必须保持作为一名企业家的职业敏锐。了解更多的信息,就必定能够保证你的竞争力。所以,请把每天阅读行业杂志作为你的日常训练。

2 掌握更多的知识


3 每天审视你的目标


4 保持身体健康


5 敢于冒险


 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-25 09:06:57 | 只看该作者
You may or may not think you live in a competitive world. But if you look around you in your personal and professional lives, you will see there is competition on many levels. Personally, you compete for resources, material goods, time, attention, and energy. Professionally, you compete for jobs, promotions, clients, customers, recognition, and dollars.

Where do you find yourself in competition on a daily basis? Is it in finding a good parking space at the post office? Or getting a good starting time on the golf course? In business do you find your competitors cutting prices to compete for your customers? Do you see new businesses opening that compete with you by having more current technology and products?

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-25 09:07:53 | 只看该作者

In our personal lives, merchants compete in a cutthroat race for our business. Ads on television and in magazines and newspapers tell us what we should buy. In two hours of prime time TV you might see ads for two to three different brands of cars. In grocery stores, there are no less than 50 different breakfast cereals competing for space in your shopping cart. And when you go into a bookstore, don’t you feel like every book is competing against the others for your attention?

In our everyday lives we encounter competition. Which items on our to-do list can we get done today? Which movie should we see? Which friend should we hang out with? Which shirt should we put on today? With more and more stuff in our lives and more and more options for activities to choose from, we face a highly competitive world every day of our lives.

How can you stay sane and make good choices? How can you come out ahead when faced with competition in all areas of your life? I suggest you consider these daily practices that will help you keep your edge in a competitive world.

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-25 09:09:44 | 只看该作者

1. Stay on top of your industry

To compete in the business world you must know what is going on in your industry. If you work in the publishing world, for example, you need to know what types of books people are buying, where readers are buying books, and what the next trends are. You do this by reading trade journals, attending conferences, and talking to key people in your industry. If you’re a business owner, such as an accountant, you need to keep up on tax laws and any changes in your industry and you need to keep your entrepreneurial skills sharp. You will definitely be able to keep your competitive edge if you stay informed. For your daily practice, read an industry journal every day.

2. Keep educated

You can’t compete if you’re not the best at what you do. Some industries have ongoing education, such as the beauty field. Most hairstylists take seminars continually as hair styles and cutting techniques change. Read books, take classes and seminars; hone your skills, and learn a new skill if you want to advance in your company. Education will provide you with a strong edge above your competition. For your daily practice, read a book or study some educational material.

3. Review your goals daily

With all the options competing for your attention, how can you make informed choices? I’ve often advised my coaching clients to measure these alternatives against their goals. If you have a goal to lose 10 pounds and you are looking at the foods competing for your attention in the grocery store, you may choose the ones that fit your goal of losing weight. If your goal is to get a promotion at work, and you have competition for the job, you might need to learn a new skill to give you the edge. If your goal is to reach a certain income level in your business and the competition is cutting prices, you could develop a new product line to gain the edge. Your daily practice is to read your goals each day and use them to help you make decisions from the competing choices and to stay ahead of your competition.

4. Stay healthy

It’s difficult to maintain a competitive edge if you’re not mentally and physically fit. You need clear thinking to determine your actions. You need physical energy to take on the competition. What you will do as a daily practice is up to you, but here are some suggestions. For mental fitness you might start the day repeating 5 positive affirmations that put you in a positive mindset for the day. An example would be: “I am excited about all the challenges I face each day with ease and victory.” To stay fit physically, do a morning stretch routine, jump on a trampoline, or take a 2-mile walk. Also, choose foods that energize rather than exhaust.

5. Take a risk

What can you do each day to stretch yourself? To keep an edge up on the competition, you need to do new things and do things differently. What are you afraid of? What’s holding you back? What are your limitations? Do something each day that moves you out of your comfort zone. Drive a new route to work, pack a new lunch, wear a new combination of clothes, talk to a stranger, read a newspaper you’ve never read.

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