
don't get lost in strange place........

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发表于 2008-10-25 14:25:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
           for life, i went to a strange place, because we need money recently, i still remember the first time
when  i went to the dorm that the company arrange , it is so simple and crude, i feel very upset,
however ,i need a job ,so i accept it .
          the company is in suburb, and about 3 hours far from nanjing. sometimes we have to endure the
pressure , that's the life ,most of people have to take on.
         i have been there for about half of month, genereally ,i get used to that bald life.
         i wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning, and get up at 6:30, then do the moning exercises.
         then have my breakfast , sometimes i make the breakfast by myself , the black rice porridge,
         then at 7:40 ,i go to the company ,within 20 minutes i can get to the company.
        then begin my job;..........
        we are back from work at 5:00, have the supper ,then watch serial with my roommate next to my
        that's my life , from monday to friday.............
        luckily ,i go to nanjing every weekend ,then we can cook by ourselves, and watch tv , go for  a run in
our university ...........
         enjoy ourselves............
        then on sunday  afternoon , i go to my work place ...........
         there is something i should do ,i should lost myself ,i shouldn't be lazy, i should practise my oral
english ,and also be concentrate in my new job, i know i don't do well in the former days , i should
be used to the new job. i should try my best to do my job.
          and i should read english every morning , just like the days , the life in the campus......
         and also i think i should pay more attention to my face ,my skin ,my body/.........
          i am a lady ,no longer a girl ,please be a pretty lady.............


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