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发表于 2008-9-29 20:31:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

  • Avant4u Inc. - Developers of MindChart which is an electronic brainstorming product and idea-generating software to train cognitive thinking and to create mind maps.
  • Buzan's iMindMap - Features software designed by the 'Father of Mind Maps', Tony Buzan who developed the technique in the 1960s. Focused on producing Mind Maps that look hand-drawn, but are actually made on a computer, this software can produce colorful maps that obey Buzan's "laws of mind mapping".
  • Cayra - Free mind mapping software for Windows. Organic feel with colored lines and embeddable images. Does not enforce strict hierarchy. Features examples, screenshots, training and support material, and forum.
  • CoCo Systems Ltd. - Developer of VisiMap Professional 4.0. Offers a type of mind mapping tool for Microsoft Windows that graphically records and structures thoughts and ideas. Features a free download and trial.
  • Comapping - Web location of collaborative, web-based mind mapping tool. Allows peers to collaborate in real time. Adopts a fixed, left-to right hierarchy for mind maps. The site features description of features, subscription sign up, and support.
  • ConceptDraw - Offers MINDMAP, which will organize, generate and present ideas in a simple, visual way. Available for Macintosh and Windows in English, German and French. Features a demo, news, other software and support.
  • 3D Topicscape - Software for 3D mindmapping. Features demo, download, examples of use for project planning and managing information, and a directory of mindmaps from across the Internet.
  • FreeMind - Open-source, Java mind mapping tool. Features downloads, screen shots, license, essays, a forum for questions and suggestions, and project information.
  • HeadCase - Mind mapping software for Windows, by Loaned Genius. Features examples, how to's, downloads and a link to the product's discussion group.
  • I-Navigation - Company site of EXswap, makers of I-Navigation visual hierarchy software for the collection, organization and sharing of information. Features product description, support, download and purchase.
  • InfoRapid Knowledge Management - Knowledge management, mind mapping, and project management software in English. Features screenshots and links to more information about the software, ordering page and downloads.
  • Kayuda - A visual wiki for concept-mapping that allows multiple users simultaneously to track and share ideas and the relationships between them.
  • Mind42 - The web location of a free collaborative tool that supports the standard features of other mind mapping tools, but is web-based, with unlimited simultaneous users. Users can create and edit mind maps, and share them on the web. Features description and sign up pages.
  • Mind mapping and information organizing software - A collation of information on most mind mapping and similar software with brief descriptions, screen-shots and direct links to the software publishers. Features a section on web-based tools, with details of which are free and their interoperability with MindManager and FreeMind.
  • Mind2Chart - Produces an add-in for Mindjet MindManager Pro that helps project managers. Site includes trial, support, news, press-releases, case studies, video tour and other information about the add in.
  • MindGenius - Produces software for mind mapping and creativity. Offers a fully functional trial version, a description of the software, and contact details for the company.
  • Mindjet - Software for mind mapping and project management. Features MindManager product descriptions, support, downloads and company information. Site is in English, German, and French.
  • MindManuals - Supplier of MindManager software, templates and add-ons for MindManager. Features product overview, technical details, testimonials, and purchase information.
  • MindMapper - Software for outlining ideas, pictures and sounds in a mind mapping style format. Features product overview, news, pricing and ordering information.
  • MindMeister - The web location of a collaborative tool that supports the standard features of other mind mapping tools, but is web-based, with unlimited simultaneous users. Users can create and edit mind maps, and share them on the web.
  • Mindomo - The web location of a collaborative, web-based, mind mapping tool capabilities similar to that of desktop mind mapping software. Users can create and edit mind maps, and share them with others on the web.
  • MindVisualizer - Software for capturing, visualizing, managing and sharing ideas and information. The site features download, support, sales and reviews.
  • NovaMind - Mind mapping software. Features description, video demonstration, examples, support, forum, downloads and testimonials.
  • Semantica - Semantica produces diagrams with elements common to mind maps and concept maps. Features company news, product information, and information about the company and its knowledge authoring and visualization software.
  • Solution Language Tool - Organic-style mind mapping tool (mimics free hand drawing). Features screenshots, brief description and purchase page.
  • Spark-Space - An idea mapping tool for education and business. This site provides product information, support and purchase.
  • Visual Mind - Mind mapping software from Mind Technologies. Product information, buy and trial download.
  • Wisdomap - The web location of a collaborative tool that allows users to build mind maps from a browser web-based. Emphasizes attachment of text, videos, images, links and more. Subscription based, with limited free-use option.
  • XMIND - Desktop mind mapping software, also capable of making concept maps, fishbone charts, scenario quadrants and the like. Provides feature descriptions and examples of use, download and a purchase page.
  • 沙发
    发表于 2008-9-30 11:46:59 | 只看该作者
    发表于 2008-10-1 23:01:22 | 只看该作者
    发表于 2008-10-4 09:06:25 | 只看该作者
    以下是引用hello2008在2008-10-1 23:01:22的发言:


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