
[读书评论] 富爸爸系列3:Choose to Be Rich

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发表于 2008-7-25 19:17:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


大学竟然发现了英文版的mp3,因此成为这两三年最喜欢听的东西,没事就听.我相信反复听会发现不一样的东西.今天终于决定要行动,把一些key concepts and sentences记下来,以便日后可以随时翻看.

1.Every Day I Made the Choice&Changing Your Mindset

Change your vocabulary
Build your business
The rich are generous
Money is an idea
Your ideas are your reality
What forms your reality is what you think of "***art" and what you think of "risky"
Business and investing are team sports.
Your financial statement is your report card once you leave school
Your financial statement: income,expenses,assets,liability
Once a month, you should show your financial report card to your banker or accountant, that way you can make correction. You don't want to wake up one day and find out you have failing grades as well as you financially broke
Leverage: the ability to do more with the less
A person who thinks big but not doesn't think accurately eventually collapses.
In order to get big you need to think ***aller and more accurately.

The world rewards you for making mistakes and correcting and standing back up again.

Broke is temporary.

2. The Power of Emotions & Being the Master of Money

If I’m wanna go to business, I’d better be willing to fail 10 times coz once I will make it.

A person who wants to win every single time is fundamentally unrealistic.

They lose because they’re not in control of their emotions.

Getting rich is not about being ***art, is about being bolder, being willing to make mistakes, and being willing to realize that losing is part of winning

A big part of overcoming fears is looking at the facts.

Luck is labeling under correct knowledge

Imagination is more important than knowledge because knowledge is limited.

If you wish to be rich, you need to be incompetent, if you wish to be really rich, you need to be lazy. --> Leverage!

Surround yourself with many more competent people!

Just do it once!

Every morning you think of saving, investing and being generous.

Expect to fail.

Desire and Determination

3. Strategies for Wealth

E-employee; S-self-employed or ***all business;

B-big business; I-investor

Who are the 6 people you spend most time with on a daily basis?

If you want to see your future, look at the six people you spending time with right now.

Change your thought; change the people you hang out with!

Work to Learn

Work for free because the education you get is more priceless.

Mind your own business

Manage your expenses, saving is your expenses, pay yourself first.

Build a team that educates you.

The most expensive advice is free advice that is inaccurate.


Management skills!

Work voluntarily


发表于 2009-5-3 20:19:04 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-3 21:02:00 | 只看该作者



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