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发表于 2008-5-30 14:38:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式




发表于 2008-5-30 16:31:59 | 只看该作者


Learn to control
Product, Place, Promotion and Price
for Profits

The 4 Ps of marketing classify the controllable elements of your marketing plan. Product, place [distribution] and promotion are all expenses; price brings in revenue. Family businesses must pay close attention to controlling each.

McCarthy's classification of the 4 Ps of marketing in Basic Marketing over 40 years ago is still a great way to help us focus on the elements of a good marketing plan that we can't control but must be aware of and anticipate such as:

- new competitors,
- new legislation,
- change in consumer confidence,
- change in consumer tastes; and

The 4 Ps of Marketing, which are the controllable elements.

  1. Product

    The first element of the 4 Ps of marketing focuses on your individual goods and their product line. Product includes services and electronic or digital products such as e-books that don't have a recognizable physical substance..

    Includes features and benefits, installation, service,warranty, packaging, branding. 5 steps for developing a product
    shows you how to go about developing a product, and our

    16 Point Product Evaluation Checklist
    helps you evaluate your product for marketability.

    The Most Overlooked Small Business Opportunities on the Net..... and How to Earn a Superior Living at Them
    provides great insight for service businesses looking to start or expand.

  2. Place [Distribution]

    The next of the 4 Ps of marketing focuses on getting product to your customer.

    Includes warehousing, fulfillment, electronic download, shipping, middlemen.

    There's A Product in Every One of Us
    not only shows you how you can develop your own product from your own knowledge, but also how this type of product solves major distribution problems, thus taking care of the second of the 4 Ps of marketing.

    An Affiliate Program
    lets you sell other people's products while you build your own product and business and is usually accomplished without carrying inventory or shipping problems.

  3. Promotion

    This element of the 4 Ps of marketing focuses on communicating with your customer.

    Includes advertising, copywriting, media selection, sales force, personal and mass selling, sales promotion, positioning.

    Community events are one of the best ways for family businesses to promote and "brand" their business products and services. One of the most popular community events are air shows. If you are an aviation buff and/or enjoy the patriotic theme of most air shows, and your family business supports the local air show but would like to expand the reach of your promotional program - one resource to consider is Air Show Advertising .

    Our Dick Hemsley shows you a simple but elegant approach to positioning in The ABC's of Positioning.

    It's Words That Sell - Not Graphics
    will get you primed for the copywriting and advertising that you need to do with this element of the 4 Ps of marketing.

    11 Steps to a Site That Sells
    Essential information from "the bible of selling online." Includes specialized sections on Product, Traffic Generation and multi-product stores.

    EvieB provides businesses with free tools, marketing sources, advertising ideas and promotional strategies. Utilise these free resources to attract customers to your website today. Promote free to 61k+!

  4. Price

    The successful producer of an article sells it for more than it costs him to produce - that's his profit. The customer buys it because it is worth more to him than he pays for it - that's his profit. No one can long make a profit producing anything unless the customer makes a profit using it.
    - Samuel Pettengill, US Congressman, 1930's

    Focuses on the price at which both the customer and producer can profit. Price is the only element of the 4 Ps of marketing that involves revenue rather than expense, so it's impact can be dramatic.

    Includes discounts, allowances and incentives, and strategies like penetration pricing or skimming.

    not only shows you the importance and strategies of this major element of the 4 Ps of marketing, it goes much farther!

    • Access and download a free course and book about Pricing

    • Learn about an online survey tool that lets you find the Perfect Price (tm) of existing or new products

      Access this tool online and in just a couple of minutes see for yourself just how easy it will be for your customers and prospects to provide you with the vital information you need to price correctly.

      No more guesswork, no more over-pricing that kills off sales, no more under-pricing that leaves money on the table...

    Pricing Strategy Applied With Help of Pricing Software
    Read about our own experience using this survey tool with our colleagues on one of their products!

Webmaster's Note

The 4 Ps are a type of "push" marketing. Advertising and promotion play a strong role in pushing sales to customers.

In recent years, customers are starting to get too many messages. So, they listen to each other. Customer relationship marketing [CRM] focuses on how sellers can use in-depth marketing intelligence to build trust, loyalty and long-term engagement with customers.

发表于 2008-7-2 17:56:56 | 只看该作者
it looks like useful

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