
《The South Wind 南来风 》

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发表于 2008-1-10 22:02:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  • There are some who can still remember
    All the things that we used to do.
    But the days of our youth were numbered
    And the ones who survive it are few.
    Oh, I can still see the ***iling faces
    When the times were so good
    All in the old familiar places
    I'd go back ifI could ( to the)

    People of the South Wind. People of
    the Southern Wind.
    It's the People of the Wind, I got to be there again.

    Well, it's a hard thing to face the music.
    But it's something everybody has got to do.
    So I hope that I can always remember
    All the crazy times we had to go through.
    Now it's a dream that is slowly fading.
    And I don't want it to go.
    All of the memories are evading
    And I want you to know (it's the)

    People of the South Wind. People of
    the Southern Wind.
    It's the People of the Wind, I got to be there again.

    Now we've tr***eled across the oceans
    And we've seen what there is to see.
    But I guess it's not the proper solution
    Cause it's all about the same to me.
    Now I look back and it makes me wonder
    Why we just couldn't see
    All of the battles we fought and won there
    And wish that I could be with the

    People of the Wind
    I want to see'em again
    It's where we used to be free
    And that's the place for me.
    It's just a state of mind
    A thing that's so hard to find
    With the People of the Wind.

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