
世界500强企业(均是外资)招C/C++,cobo,IT support,C#, .NET开发等~~

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发表于 2007-11-6 16:06:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


以下是很急的职位信息,有符者有意向者速发简历至我邮箱MSN:carren1218@hotmail.com, 或加我MSN:carren1218@hotmail.com

1,职位:cobol 即SA,SE    工作地点:北京        JDSystem Analyst, System Engineer
Job Responsibility: (此职位英文不要求,好机会!!!)
Carry out development task in consultation with development leader
Documentation of developing details
Provide technical support to resolve problem during production operation
Cooperation in cross module teams
Job Requirement:
Engineer background, bachelor diploma or above
At least 2 years work experience on MVS COBOL and JCL
Oral and written English
Good communication and analytical skills
With financial background is a pluse
With DB2 experience is a pluse

2,职位:C/C++    工作地点:上海        2年左右经验

3,IT Support职位   工作地点:大连/上海

要求:1,具备IT开发的背景JAVA、.NET、C++ 其中任何一个开发经  验1年以上都可以;
4,A, Developer Graphics - Positions - 2 (图像)     Urgent~~~
1. Good in C Language,     
2. Good in Linux Device Driver    
3. Knowledge about 2D and 3D graphics (alpha, blending, bltiing etc)
4. Good problem solving skills
B, Developer Display Driver - 2       Urgent~~~
1. Good in C Language       
2. Good in Linux Device Drivers      
3. Knowledge about Digital and Analog Video and TV Formats (NTSC, PAL, HD-Video, SD etc)
4. Good problem solving skills      
5. Knowledge about Hardware debugging and usage of Oscilloscope is an added advantage
C, Audio Video & Demux Developer- Position - 3     (偏声音)Urgent~~~
1. Good in C programming     
2. Good in Linux Device Driver     
4. Knowledge about MPEG and Audio Video standards     
4. Good problem solving skills     
D, Graphics - Validation - Position - 1 (测试职位)
1. Good in C programming
2. Knowledge about Linux Device Driver testing
3. Knowledge about Shell scripts
4. Knowledge about 2D and 3D graphics testing
E, Display Driver- Validation - Position - 2 (测试职位)
1. Good in C programming
2. Knowledge about Linux Device Driver testing
3. Knowledge about Shell scripts
4. Knowledge about Digital and Analog video testing, port driver testing
F, Audio Video & Demux Validation - Position - 4 (测试职位)
1. Good in C programming
2. Knowledge about Linux Device Driver testing
3. Knowledge about Shell scripts
4. Knowledge about MPEG and Audio Video standards
5,Unix admin
     5yrs左右unix admin维护经验,最好是sun公司的solaris系统。英文口语流利。工作地点:上海。

要求:1,具备IT开发的背景JAVA、.NET、C++ 其中任何一个开发经  验1年以上都可以;
4,A, Developer Graphics - Positions - 2 (图像)     Urgent~~~
1. Good in C Language,     
2. Good in Linux Device Driver    
3. Knowledge about 2D and 3D graphics (alpha, blending, bltiing etc)
4. Good problem solving skills
B, Developer Display Driver - 2       Urgent~~~
1. Good in C Language       
2. Good in Linux Device Drivers      
3. Knowledge about Digital and Analog Video and TV Formats (NTSC, PAL, HD-Video, SD etc)
4. Good problem solving skills      
5. Knowledge about Hardware debugging and usage of Oscilloscope is an added advantage
C, Audio Video & Demux Developer- Position - 3     (偏声音)Urgent~~~
1. Good in C programming     
2. Good in Linux Device Driver     
4. Knowledge about MPEG and Audio Video standards     
4. Good problem solving skills     
D, Graphics - Validation - Position - 1 (测试职位)
1. Good in C programming
2. Knowledge about Linux Device Driver testing
3. Knowledge about Shell scripts
4. Knowledge about 2D and 3D graphics testing
E, Display Driver- Validation - Position - 2 (测试职位)
1. Good in C programming
2. Knowledge about Linux Device Driver testing
3. Knowledge about Shell scripts
4. Knowledge about Digital and Analog video testing, port driver testing
F, Audio Video & Demux Validation - Position - 4 (测试职位)
1. Good in C programming
2. Knowledge about Linux Device Driver testing
3. Knowledge about Shell scripts
4. Knowledge about MPEG and Audio Video standards
5,Unix admin
     5yrs左右unix admin维护经验,最好是sun公司的solaris系统。英文口语流利。工作地点:上海。

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