
[电子书籍] Strategic Retail Management: Text and International Cases

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发表于 2007-10-21 15:18:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Strategic Retail Management: Text and International Cases


By Joachim Zentes, Dirk Morschett, Hanna Schramm-Klein

Publisher:   GWV-Vieweg
Number Of Pages:   380
Publication Date:   2007-03-09
Sales Rank:   857469
ISBN / ASIN:   383490287X
EAN:   9783834902870
Binding:   Paperback
Manufacturer:   GWV-Vieweg
Studio:   GWV-Vieweg


"Strategic Retail Management - Text and International Cases" is devoted to the dynamic development of retailing. The various strategy concepts adopted by retailing companies and their implementation in practice are at the core of the book.

This is not a traditional textbook or collection of case studies, but is intended to demonstrate the complex and manifold questions of retail management in the form of 15 lessons that provide a thematic overview of key issues and illustrate them with the help of comprehensive case studies. Internationally known retail companies are used as examples to facilitate an understanding of what is involved in strategic retail management and to present some best practices.

Furthermore, the book can be used in education as a basis for working with case studies. For this purpose, the case studies are integrated into the lessons in such a way that they provide additional content and a specific application of the individual lessons. That is, they form part of the main topic, but also lead to suggested discussion subjects and questions in order to deepen the understanding of the topic. Instructors are provided with additional resources.

"Strategic Retail Management" is targeted primarily at students in their third and fourth academic year (undergraduate and graduate level) in the field of Business Administration/Marketing/Management at different institutions, such as universities, academies and business schools. In addition, practitioners in the consumer goods industry and in retailing companies, who wish to obtain compact and practice-oriented information on current retail concepts, will also benefit from reading this book.pass: gigapedia.org



发表于 2009-9-18 09:58:11 | 只看该作者
Great! Thanks for share!

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