
招聘中国区HR Head -- 广州 -- 欢迎推荐或自荐

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发表于 2007-8-29 10:51:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

An Introduction to my client
My client, one of the world's foremost providers of Consulting, Technology and Outsourcing services, helps businesses implement growth strategies, leverage technology, and thrive through the power of collaboration. Their employs over 75,000 people worldwide, in over 30 countries and reported 2006 global revenues of 7 billion euros. They have a ***** Center base in Guangzhou. This Center is currently the only international ***** and the largest offshore center in South China. They have large pool of talent for the best practice of consulting and outsourcing. Their people deliver services primarily in English, supporting regional languages including Indonesian, Japanese, and Korean, Thai, Vietnamese and others. My client is offering tremendous learning opportunities; great career path and world class working experience...

An Introduction to this position
Reporting: Center Leader, HR Director Asia Pacific (base in Singapore)
Team leading of 10 people for Learning & Development, Payroll & Benefits, Talent Management, Staff Relations, Staffing, Recruiting & Sourcing, Country HR Strategy, deciding National HR Policy and Plan …

A description to our expectation
We are looking for the people whose experience focus on the consulting or related industry, more than 5 years MNC experience, good spoken and written English ability and their current yearly package is over 300k.

 Interested applicants please send detailed resume with a recent photo by quoting ‘Apply Position: HR Head’ to me through presentanew@yahoo.com.cn I will send you the feedback and more detail information ASAP.

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