我们大多不能免俗,总有满足不完的愿景。 其实退一步,于人于己,何尝不会划出一片海阔天空。 To let go does not mean to stop caring.it means I can not do it for someone else. 放手,并不意味着不再关心;而是能力有限,有所不为。 To let go is not to cut myself off.it is the realisationthat I can not control another. 放手并不是自我封闭,不闻不问。而是一种醒悟---“别人并不受控与我”。 To let go is not to enable,but to allow learning from natural consequences. 放手,就是不要刻意学习,而是给自己从自然的因果中学习、感悟的机会。
To let go is to admit powerlessness, which means the outcomes is not in my hands. 放手,就要承认我非万能,亦即结果并不尽在掌握。
To let go is not to try to change or blame another。I can only change myself. 放手,就是不要试图改变他人或求全责备;我能改变的只有我自己。
To let go is not to care for,but to care about. 放手,就不要时时牵挂,全力照顾;而是于默默中情之所系。
To let go is not to fix,but to be supportive. 放手,就不要事事躬亲,包办善后;而是在需要是伸出援手。
To let go is not to judge,but to allow another to be a human being. 放手,就是不要多加评判,而是允许别人自行其事。
To let go is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes,but to allow others to affact their own outcomes. 放手,就不要置身事中,事无巨细;而是要让别人自种其豆,自收其果。
To let go is not to be protective,it is to permit another to face reality. 放手,就是不要再荫护,而是允许他人面对现实。
To let go is not to denty,but to accept. 放手,就不要再否认,而是接受。
To let go is not to nag,scowl,or argue,but to seach out my own shortcomings and to correct them. 放手,就不要喋喋不休,怒容满面或滔滔雄辩。而是要审视自己的不足而改之。
To let go is not to adjust everthing to my desirs,but to take each day as it comes. 放手,就是不要苛求万物皆从我欲。而是要自然、平常地对待每一天。
To let go is not to regret the past,but to grow and live for the future. 放手,就不要为过去懊悔,而是要开拓未来,盼望未来。
╋To let go is to fear lessand love more!!╋ ╋放手,担心少一些,所爱多一些!╋ --《疯狂英语58期》 |