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发表于 2007-8-10 13:32:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


Direct :       (+86) 021-51168067
Tel :           (+86) 021-51168886
Fax :          (+86) 021-51168989
Mobile :      (+86)13671701876
E-mail :       j095612@vastsea.com
MSN :       jamesyan08@hotmail.com

About Philips Research Labs
Founded in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, in 1914, Philips Research - as part of Royal Philips - has expanded the scale and scope of its activities to become one of the world's major private research organizations. With laboratories in five different countries (The Netherlands, China, England, Germany and the United States) and staffed by around 2,500 people, our common vision is to create technologies that will lead to products for improving people's lives. Our activities have led to the award of over 115,000 patent and design rights, and the publishing of countless thousands of technical and scientific papers.
Further information on Philips Research is available at the following web site: http://www.research.philips.com

About Philips Research Asia - Shanghai (PRA-S)
Philips Research Asia - Shanghai (PRA-S) has been established in Shanghai since the year 2000. Our focus is on market-driven innovation, aimed to generate new business for Philips and to support existing business. Working with industrial and academic partners, we speed up innovation and help create technologies that really matter and get adopted. We call this Open Innovation. We are an integral part of Philips’ international research program and have extensive collaborations with the Philips labs across the world. PRA-S currently employs 80 researchers working in the fields of Healthcare, Lighting, Digital Television and Wireless Communications.

About the Healthcare department.
The department addresses a broad range of applications and technologies in the healthcare arena, for both professional healthcare markets (e.g. hospitals) as well as personal healthcare markets (healthcare devices for consumers). Our research is in such fields as chronic diseases, elderly care, molecular medicine. The department head is part of the management team of Philips Research Asia-Shanghai.


Job Description Physicist

Senior scientist Physics
You apply your detailed knowledge on biomedical research to develop equipment for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of chronic disease (cancer, cardio-vascular, respiratory disease). The equipment can be for use by medical staff in hospitals, or for use by an individual patient in his home situation.
The research is aimed to create new business opportunities for Philips. The products from the research will be used to start new venture companies, or be transferred to existing Philips Product Divisions.
To assure business success, the projects teams are multidisciplinary, involving medical, technical and commercial disciplines. The projects collaborate with hospitals and universities to develop new ideas, to demonstrate these ideas in prototypes and to validate the prototypes in a clinical environment.
Your responsibility is to play leading role in defining how to meet clinical requirements through technology, and in realizing the technical challenges. You take a leading role in prototyping of complete solutions to demonstrate the value of the system to doctors and patients. You coach other people in the project to help ensure their optimal performance.
You will be selected on your ability to deliver high-quality solutions to clinical requirements. For those people, excellent growth opportunities exist within Philips.

More than 5 years experience in industrial biomedical research in a multinational environment, aimed at research and development of biomedical equipment or other biomedical solutions.
Excellent research experience; innovative ways of working, excellent problem-solving skills.
Having obtained a PhD degree in the field of physics, biophysics or clinical physics, supported by publications in high-level international journals.
Drive, entrepreneurial behaviour, result oriented, quality driven.
Excellent communication skills. English language skills to at least CET level 6.

Job Description senior Computer Scientist

Senior scientist Computer Science for Healthcare
You apply your detailed knowledge on computer science and advanced computer science techniques to develop equipment for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of chronic disease (cancer, cardio-vascular, respiratory disease). The equipment can be for use by medical staff in hospitals, or for use by an individual patient in his home situation.
The research is aimed to create new business opportunities for Philips. The products from the research will be used to start new venture companies, or be transferred to existing Philips Product Divisions.
To assure business success, the projects teams are multidisciplinary, involving medical, technical and commercial disciplines. The projects collaborate with hospitals and universities to develop new ideas, to demonstrate these ideas in prototypes and to validate the prototypes in a clinical environment.
Your responsibility is to play the leading role in designing how to meet clinical requirements through software technology, and to realize the software technology. You are expected to lead the effort to manage the partners for SW solutions/prototyping. You coach other software people to help ensure their optimal performance.
You will be selected on your ability to deliver high-quality solutions to clinical requirements. For those people, excellent growth opportunities exist within Philips.
More than 5 years experience in industrial research in a multinational environment, preferably aimed at research and development of biomedical equipment or other biomedical solutions.
Excellent research experience in computer science or software engineering; innovative ways of working, excellent problem-solving skills.
Masters Degree in the field of Computer Science, preferably a PhD degree.
Drive, entrepreneurial behaviour, result oriented, quality driven.
Excellent communication skills. English language skills to at least CET level 6.

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-10 13:33:48 | 只看该作者


Direct :       (+86) 021-51168067
Tel :           (+86) 021-51168886
Fax :          (+86) 021-51168989
Mobile :      (+86)13671701876
E-mail :      
MSN :       jamesyan08@hotmail.com

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