
need your help!!! I met some problem in doing translating!please help me!

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发表于 2007-6-11 21:07:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

英文翻译中文:Nowadays everyone is talking about the information society. Multimedia technology is eliminating the differences between office and home computers. Networks connect everyone with everyone else throughout the world. This in turn suggests that everyone already has access to all information. So where does this leave those who feel that even in the future the distribution of information will be a necessary service and might even have a part to play in the march of progress?
In answer to this, I should like to help put into perspective the euphoria surrounding what is undoubtedly a very interesting development, and show that innovation is inconceivable, even in the future, without accurate information; and that supporting innovation by means of information and the services of external specialists is in fact a thoroughly modern and relevant approach that is likely to remain attractive even in the future.

补充:机器翻译的不好,自己翻到SO where 这句就翻不好了!

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