Justforfun 发表于 2007-3-20 17:13:24
这本书被我们lecturer称为改变他一生的书, 多谢分享!deentu 发表于 2007-3-28 22:20:51
顶一个~~谢谢楼主分享~~john_lee 发表于 2007-5-23 10:23:30
<p>很好</p>dpf168 发表于 2007-5-28 17:22:49
Good Book!Good Job!cuijinli 发表于 2007-9-6 17:00:24
好书,顶一下mao82426 发表于 2007-9-6 18:49:43
A book is the same today as it always was and it will never change.nlnl 发表于 2007-9-8 11:17:44
顶!谢谢搂住jx20041000 发表于 2007-9-13 22:15:37
<p>谢谢大大分享</p><p>最近将要做个软件项目,先借鉴前辈们的经验</p>NetMaster 发表于 2007-9-14 13:42:47
<p>下来看看。谢谢啦。</p>steve45 发表于 2007-9-27 12:53:01