heaven2004 发表于 2015-8-31 14:17:50


    根据美国IT培训公司Global Knowledge和杂志Windows IT Pro 2014年秋季对美国IT行业的调查,在最值钱的15种职业资格认证中,ISACA(国际信息系统审计协会)的风险和信息系统控制(CRISC)认证与CISM(国际注册信息安全经理)资格认证在IT安全类分别排位第1名和第2名。
    15 Top-Paying Certifications for 2015
    1.Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC)    $119,227
    2.2. Certified Information Security Manager (CISM)   $118,348
    ISACA also created CISM certification. It's aimed at management more than the IT professional and focuses on security strategy and assessing the systems and policies in place more than it focuses on the person who actually implements those policies using a particular vendor's platform. More than 24,000 people have been certified since its introduction in 2002, making it a highly sought-after area with a relatively small supply of certified individuals. In addition, the exam is only offered three times a year, making taking the exam more of a challenge than with many other certification exams. It also requires at least five years of experience in IS, with at least three of those as a security manager. As with CRISC, requirements for CISM certification demand effort and years of planning.
    国际信息系统审计协会(ISACA)协助企业及信息技术领袖们创建一个信赖可靠、缔造优值的资讯及信息系统,其成员遍布 180 个国家,总数超过 115,000 人。ISACA 成立于 1969 年,为全球所有从事信息系统审计、鉴证、风险管理、隐私和治理领域的专业人士提供了倍受信赖之知识、社群、标准和职业发展的资源。ISACA 为网络安全专业人员提供了 Cybersecurity Nexus,一个全面性的专业资源。同时,它的 COBIT也提供了一个企业业务框架,其能协助企业高效地治理和管理信息及技术。ISACA 还通过全球著名的注册信息系统审计师 (Certified Information Systems Auditor, CISA),注册信息安全经理 (Certified Information Security Manager, CISM),企业信息科技管治认证 (Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT, CGEIT)和风险及信息系统监控认证 (Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control, CRISC) 来促进和验证关键业务技能及知识。ISACA 协会在全球一共拥有 200 多个分会。
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