结交朋友其实很简单,就是看他的人生目的(最终目的,他想在未来干些什么)好比看一个公司、国家般,终目的,绝对影响一个人现在的步骤;志向高远的人,气必清,格局必大,目光必长远;深谋远虑,人之不及,如吕不韦,乃盖世枭雄也。越学管理,我越深刻的感觉到古人所说的: 修身,齐家,治国,平天下,的深刻内涵。 四者其实是一个道理,学会其中任何一项,你将路路皆通啊 那得好好学学曾国藩的识人用人术! Did you read it?
You are welcome to discuss with us.
Could u? A famous female writer said,marriage means you like some sort of people and you select one from them to live with.In fact, friendship is somehow like marriage. LOL, Interesting words.
Go ahead.
Actually, selecting a good friend from a group of men is a very important thing in your life. As a proverb say going you can just a person from his friends。It indicats that only common ideal and goal can gather similar people。As to me ,i am a long-sighted man,rich in knowledge ,wise in judgement。wok in planning department。 I‘d like to know more friends over this website。My E-mail is plan2003@163.com OH, Great.
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We hope to read your essays about your ideas, your future plansand your goals. <P>make friends , we need look more at his virture , look less at his shortcoming ;</P>