抗拒美色,我们将拥有世界!Women are stunner.尤物!!
As a man,if we could resist the charm of women, we will have the whole world.
Although, we may lost a part of our life, we could get more.
What do you think? The balance
We really can save a lot of time to do more.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-2-6 20:58:58编辑过] <p> 荒谬!!!!!!</p> 为什么要拒绝?<br/><br/> 真的有点 乱弹琴 看不懂 <p>其心抗之,其行纳之,悲矣!</p> 无欲则刚! 孙子曰:欲破美人计,不如将计就计!