mingfangzmf 发表于 2009-1-9 10:21:21


<p><strong>理财:改善财务状况</strong></p><p>Recycle Old Gadgets for Cash&nbsp;&nbsp; 通过废物再利用挣钱 <br/>Choose 'Obama' Stocks&nbsp; 选择与奥巴马政策相关的公司股票 <br/>Advance Your Career Online 通过在网上建立声誉来推动事业发展 <br/>Put Your Cash in Safe Accounts&nbsp; 把现金放在安全的账户 <br/>Start Your Own <a class="hjdict" href="http://dict.hjenglish.com/w/Nonprofit" target="_blank" word="Nonprofit">Nonprofit</a> 成立自己的非营利组织<br/>Drink Screw-Topped Wines 喝有螺旋盖的葡萄酒 <br/>Lose the 'Microwave' <a class="hjdict" href="http://dict.hjenglish.com/w/Mentality" target="_blank" word="Mentality">Mentality</a> 抛开“微波炉式”急于求成的心理 <br/>Make Friends at Work 结交职场好友 <br/>Watch TV Free Online 在网上看免费电视 <br/>Try That Home Before Buying 买房前先试住</p><p><strong>健康:追求健康生活</strong>
                <br/>Bike to Work 骑自行车上班 <br/>Use Glass to Store Food 用玻璃器皿储藏食物 <br/>Take an Afternoon Nap 午后小憩 <br/>Get Paid for Good Health 奖励有健康习惯的员工 <br/>Walk the <a class="hjdict" href="http://dict.hjenglish.com/w/Craving" target="_blank" word="Craving">Craving</a>s Away 用散步来赶走食欲<br/>Get a New Toothbrush 常换新牙刷 <br/>Move to Vermont 搬到最有益身心的地方居住 <br/>Get Your Eyes Checked 检查视力 <br/>Add <a class="hjdict" href="http://dict.hjenglish.com/w/Obstacle" target="_blank" word="Obstacle">Obstacle</a>s to Your Jog 尝试“跑酷”这种有难度的跑步运动 <br/>Get Fit as You Get Older 越活越健康<br/><strong>心理:创新思维方式</strong><br/></p><p>Read Up on Edgar Allan Poe 研读埃德加·爱伦·坡的作品 <br/>Publish Your Book Yourself&nbsp; 自己出书 <br/>Go Back to School for New Skills “回炉再造”、学习新技能 <br/>Study Philosophy 研究哲学 <br/>Save That November 5 Paper 保留某一天的报纸<br/>Silence Noise <a class="hjdict" href="http://dict.hjenglish.com/w/Pollution" target="_blank" word="Pollution">Pollution</a> 远离“噪音污染” <br/>Finish a Crossword Puzzle 完成字谜游戏 <br/>Start Using Twitter 开始使用Twitter(即时消息的一种变种) <br/>Learn Russian 学习俄语?一门外语 <br/>Keep a 'Clothes Hanger' Journal 每天用一句话记录生活&nbsp;</p><p><strong>生活环境:改善周围环境</strong><br/>Learn About Abraham Lincoln 了解亚伯拉罕.林肯的生平 <br/>Plant a Square-Foot Garden 开辟一个花园 <br/>Hypermile When You Drive 让每加仑汽油的行驶里程达到最大 <br/>Help Those Hit by the Recession 帮助那些受到经济衰退打击的人 <br/>Switch to a Push Mower 把汽油驱动式割草机换成人力驱动式割草机<br/>Air Dry Your <a class="hjdict" href="http://dict.hjenglish.com/w/Laundry" target="_blank" word="Laundry">Laundry</a> 凉晒清洗后的衣物 <br/>Practice Spreading Tolerance 尝试播散宽容的种子 <br/>Ditch the Phone While Driving 开车时不打电话 <br/>Get Your News Online 在网上看新闻<br/>Buy <a class="hjdict" href="http://dict.hjenglish.com/w/Laptop" target="_blank" word="Laptop">Laptop</a>s for Kids 为孩子买电</p><p><strong>休闲娱乐:认真享受生活</strong><br/></p><p>Learn to Play Bridge 学打桥牌 <br/>Visit Alaska 去阿拉斯加旅游 <br/>Celebrate the Life of Miles Davis 。。。 <br/>Take a 'Staycation'&nbsp; 就近度假 <br/>'Geotag' Your <a class="hjdict" href="http://dict.hjenglish.com/w/Digital" target="_blank" word="Digital">Digital</a> Pictures 为数码照片标明拍摄地点<br/>Watch the Beatles Let It Be 欣赏关于甲壳虫乐队 <br/>Teach Your Kids to Cook 教孩子做饭(自己先学会了再说) <br/>Play a Fake Musical <a class="hjdict" href="http://dict.hjenglish.com/w/Instrument" target="_blank" word="Instrument">Instrument</a> 在游戏中模拟弹奏乐器 <br/>Read the Book Before the Movie 看电影之前阅读相关书籍 <br/>Try Your Hand at Pottery 学着制件陶器</p>

夜落无声 发表于 2009-1-9 22:35:20

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