[转帖]TOC改善实施效果是6sigma的20倍, Lean的9倍
<p><font color="#ff0033" size="5"><strong>TOC改善实施效果是6sigma的20倍, Lean的9倍</strong></font></p><p><strong><font color="#ff0033" size="5"></font></strong></p><p><font face="仿宋_GB2312" size="3"> 作为全球两大热门管理方式6sigma与lean模式, 近年来国内众多大型企业先后导入这些管理模式, 取得的实际改善成果是多了一堆虚伪的6sigma? 或lean改善报告? 还是产生了实际的改善成果?</font></p><p><font face="仿宋_GB2312" size="3"> 或许,只有那些企业的CFO们知道了。在2006年, 美国生产运营管理权威机构—美国运营管理协会(APICS)抽查了21家企业的100多个改善项目, 其中有11家导入了6sigma, 4家企业导入了lean, 6家企业在导入前面两种管理模式后,又导入了TOC管理模式, </font><font size="3"><font face="仿宋_GB2312"><font color="#ff0033">结论得出:<br/></font><font color="#0000ff"> TOC的改善效果是6sigma的20倍, 是lean的9倍, 并将研究结果在2006年5月的APICS杂志进行发表。</font></font></font></p><font color="#0000ff"></font><p><br/><font face="宋体" color="#5ea294" size="3">相关原文请参考下面网站链接:</font></p><p><font color="#5ea294" size="3"></font><br/>(A study released in the May, 2006 APICS magazine demonstrates that TOC is twenty times as effective as Six Sigma, and nearly ten times more effective than lean at causing cost savings. I find this remarkable result especially interesting because cost savings are a side benefit of TOC...TOC focuses on increasing Throughput.</p><p>This is the only scientific double-blind study of its kind performed "in the wild", i.e. in actual business plants. The authors summarize the results of over 100 improvement projects, where:</p><p>11 plants applied Six Sigma <br/>4 plants applied Lean <br/>6 plants applied TOC, Lean and Six Sigma <br/> </p><p><font color="#0000ff">The results are unequivocal:</font></p><p></p><p><br/>A little further analysis shows:</p><p>If we assume linearity (i.e. that the treatments are additive), we can estimate TOC alone. The 11 six sigma plants saved 0.63% per plant, and the 4 Lean plants saved 1.5% per plant. So, we subtract 6x(.63+1.5) = 13% for the 6 plants that did the combined, the estimated TOC alone savings is 76%, or ~13 % per plant. So, TOC is twenty times more effective than six sigma, and around nine times more effective than lean.</p><p> Lean Project Management (LPM), API's extension of CCPM, takes the same approach as the workers in these plants: combining the synergistic effects of the three improvement approaches. The combination caused savings of 14% (of the total saved) per plant, or 24 times more effective that six sigma alone, and ten times Lean alone.</p><p>Pirasteh, R. and Farah, K. (2006). Continuous Improvement Trio: The top elements of TOC, lean, and six sigma make beautiful music together. APICS magazine, May, 2006 pp. 31-36</p><p></p><p><font color="#0000ff">更多TOC新闻请参见网站:</font><a href="http://www.bama.cc/"><font color="#0000ff">www.bama.cc</font></a><br/></p><br/><p> </p><p>该贴来自群组:<a href="http://www.21manager.com/groupindex.asp?groupid=14" target="_blank"><font color="#ff0000"><b>TOC约束理论</b></font></a></p>[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-15 13:27:43编辑过] <p>我在我的博客<a href="http://poogi.blogcn.com">http://poogi.blogcn.com</a> 中,也翻译转载了一篇文章,是关于APICS与达文波特指出要用TOC指导6sigma与lean的实施的,达文波特甚至指出,6sigma正在“走下坡路”。</p> <p><font face="Arial">If we assume linearity (i.e. that the treatments are additive), we can estimate TOC alone. The 11 six sigma plants saved 0.63% per plant <font color="#0000ff">(共11家工厂应用6Sigma,平均每家可节省0.63%)</font>, and the 4 Lean plants saved 1.5% per plant <font color="#0000ff">(共4家工厂应用Lean,平均每家可节省1.5%)</font>. So, we subtract 6x(.63+1.5) = 13% <font color="#0000ff">(对于应用TOC的6家工厂,减去其应用Lean与6Sigma产生的效果13%)</font> for the 6 plants that did the combined, the estimated TOC alone savings is 76% <font color="#ff0033">(独立应用TOC产生的效果76%)</font>, or ~13 % per plant <font color="#ff0033">(或者说,独立应用TOC,产生效果的范围是:13% ~ 76%)</font>. So, TOC is twenty times <font color="#ff0033">(用最小值0.13/0.0063,20倍以上,取值20倍)</font> more effective than six sigma, and around nine times <font color="#f70938">(用最小值0.13/0.015,约8.67倍以上,取值9倍)</font> more effective than lean. <br/> <br/>Lean Project Management (LPM), API's extension of CCPM, takes the same approach as the workers in these plants: combining the synergistic effects of the three improvement approaches. The combination caused savings of 14% (of the total saved) per plant <font color="#3300ff">(组合应用TOC、Lean与6Sigma,可产生效果是:平均每家可节省14%)</font>, or 24 times more effective that six sigma alone <font color="#3300ff">(独立应用TOC,可产生效果是6Sigma的24倍以上)</font>, and ten times Lean alone <font color="#0000ff">(独立应用TOC,可产生效果是Lean的10倍以上).</font></font></p><p><br/><font face="Arial" color="#ff0033"><strong>得出的结论是:建议组合应用TOC、Lean、6Sigma,可产生更佳的实际效果。</strong></font><br/></p> <p>楼主啊,的确如你所说的,如果这些东西有机地结合起来,一定会产生不同凡响的效果.但是平心而论,国内又有几家能够做好其中的一项呢.当然从长远来讲,我们应该去思考如何把这些东西有机地结合起来.但是就现实而言,我们还是就致力于其中的一个吧!</p> 哈哈,我看不出权威性来,这样的结果是如何得来的?